We're trying to update CKEditor5 to v34 in our Nuxt apps. One of the major changes was a switch to PostCSS 8. Following the instructions for this package breaks our build in a peculiar way.
We had it working working with CKEditor5 v33 and PostCSS 7. Our current version of Nuxt is 2.15.8
The only difference between our previous and current config is the addition of @nuxt/postcss8
in buildModules
. Here is the relevant part in our current nuxt.config.ts
const CKEditorWebpackPlugin = require("@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-webpack-plugin");
const { styles } = require("@ckeditor/ckeditor5-dev-utils");
export default {
// ...
build: {
// ...
transpile: [
plugins: [
new CKEditorWebpackPlugin({
language: "en",
additionalLanguages: ['fr'],
buildAllTranslationsToSeparateFiles: true
postcss: styles.getPostCssConfig({
themeImporter: {
themePath: require.resolve("@ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark")
minify: true
extend(config) {
test: /ckeditor5-[^/\\]+[/\\]theme[/\\]icons[/\\][^/\\]+\.svg$/,
use: ["raw-loader"]
buildModules: [
["@nuxt/typescript-build", {
ignoreNotFoundWarnings: true,
typescript: {
typeCheck: {
memoryLimit: 150,
workers: 1
// ...
The error output when we run nuxt build
FATAL Cannot find module '0'
Require stack:
- [...]/platform/clients/event_website/node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js
Require stack:
- node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:902:15)
at Function.resolve (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:107:19)
at _resolve (node_modules/jiti/dist/jiti.js:1:192841)
at Resolver.jiti [as _require] (node_modules/jiti/dist/jiti.js:1:195025)
at Resolver.requireModule (node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js:381:29)
at node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:792:58
at (<anonymous>)
at PostcssConfig.loadPlugins (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:791:10)
at PostcssConfig.config (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:830:14)
at StyleLoader.postcss (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:909:39)
at StyleLoader.apply (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:969:12)
at WebpackClientConfig.rules (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:1357:28)
at WebpackClientConfig.config (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:1537:21)
at WebpackClientConfig.config (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:1708:26)
at WebpackBundler.getWebpackConfig (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:2016:19)
at (node_modules/@nuxt/webpack/dist/webpack.js:2023:12)
If "@nuxt/postcss8"
or the postcss configuration postcss: styles.getPostCssConfig({
are removed the error disappears.
The only changes to the dependancies are @nuxt/postcss8
and the various CKEditor5 packages updated to latest. May be worth noting that the exact same error occurs with CKEditor5 v33 as soon as @nuxt/postcss8
is added.