The OCP Test & Validation Initiative is a collaboration between datacenter hyperscalers having the goal of standardizing aspects of the hardware validation/diagnosis space, along with providing necessary tooling to enable both diagnostic developers and executors to leverage these interfaces.
Specifically, the ocp-diag-ctam tool provides acceptance testing for Accelerator Management in cloud data centers.
This project is part of OCPTV and exists under the same MIT License Agreement.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Python 3.9 or higher is installed
- Python virtualenv and pip is installed
- Install some key libraries:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk sshpass jq
- Docker is installed (Skip unless you want to create a binary)
Clone the repo,
Sample workspace files are present inside
directory. Modify these file as per your infra details. -
dir insidejson_spec
contains sample input file that ctam require to run -
Create a workspace directory and copy the configuration files from
directory intoworkspace
- contains bmc ipaddress, username and passworddut_config.json
- contains various params for running the test casespackage_info.json
- contains details about the firmwareredfish_uri_config.json
- redfish config filetest_runner.json
- config file for test run, can be overridden by cli flagsredfish_response_messages.json
- config file for redfish response messages (default will be picked from json_spec/input).
CLI Argument | Type | Definition |
-t or --testcase |
string | Runs a single test case. Overrides test_runner.json in the workspace |
-test_seq or --testcase_sequence |
string | Runs a single test case. Overrides test_runner.json in the workspace |
-group_seq or --group_sequence |
string | Runs no of groups with given sequence |
-s or --Suite |
Run full ACT Suite | |
-g or --group |
Run tests for a single group. Overrides test_runner.json in the workspace | |
-d or --Discovery |
Path to workspace directory that contains test run files | |
-l or --list |
string | List all test cases. If combined with -G then list all cases of the chosen group |
-v or --version |
Lists the current version |
Optional: create python virtual environment and activate.
python -m venv venv source ./venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
python -m pip install -r pip-requirements.txt
For full documentation, from
directory, run./make html
for full documentation including architecture and test case details -
To run suite,
cd ctam python -w ..\example_workspace
Logs will be created under
To list all test cases
cd ctam python -l
To run a specific test case
cd ctam python -w ..\example_workspace -t <test case id>
Logs will be created under
To run test cases of a specifc test group
cd ctam python -w ..\example_workspace -g <test group name>
Logs will be created under
To run test cases with sequence
cd ctam python -w ..\example_workspace -test_seq <test case name or id> <test case name or id>
Logs will be created under
To run groups with sequence
cd ctam python -w ..\example_workspace -group_seq <group name or id> <group name or id>
Logs will be created under
Choose test cases to run by using tags and specifying the tags to include/exclude in test_runner.json
Choose test sequence in test_runner.json if you want to run it from test runner config.
One file Binary executable can be created using Makefile, to create binary run following command. This will create binary and sample workspace dir inside the dist folder.
make build_image
You can run the binary the same way running the python file. Just that now python file replaced by binary executalbe. Sample command to list all test cases.
Note: Please move your workspace directory inside dist directory before running the binary.
cd dist && ./ctam -l
To clear build files, run:
make clean
- OCPTV Log file - All logs in OCPTV defined logging format.
- Test_Score_<>.json - All test cases result + Final score.
- Test_Report_<>.log - Tabulated report of test run
- Test_Info_<>.json - Optional log file used by test interfaces (for debug)
- RedfishCommandDetails/RedfishCommandDetails_<Test_ID>_ <Test_Name>_<>.json - Redfish Commands used & return values (for debug)
Test runner knobs can be modified in test_runner.json
to enable different logging mode.
Variable | Type | Definition |
debug_mode |
boolean | For debug logs |
console_mode |
boolean | For console logs |
progress_bar |
boolean | For for progress bar indicator |
- We can give tags at group level also.
- If we provide any tag to a particular group, then all the test case under that group will be considered as the same tag.
- If we run according to group tag, then all the test case will run under the group irrespective of the test case tag.
- We can assign different tags to different test cases.
- If we run according to test case tag, then all the test cases which assigned with that tag would run irrespective of group tags.
Note: - Tags = Group Tags Union Test Case Tags group tags = ["G1"] and test case tags = ["L1"], so the final tags will be ["G1", "L1"]
VS Code
is not required for development, however it does have workspace configurations to assist in development.
To use VS Code
, open the ctam.code-workspace
In lieu of VS Code
usage, the following items should be configured for other editors or the developer should perform
steps manually to ensure the consistency of the code base.
- automatic file formatting using python black formatter on file save.
- "--line-length", "120"
- Indent set to 4 spaces
- Auto docstring configured for sphinx, type 3 double quotes below python class or function and the documentation header is automatically stubbed out.
- Automatic mypy checking of code
- Spell checking
- Useful git extensions
- Useful debugger configurations defined in launch.json, extensible
- Useful Code snippets to jump start new test development
- Snippets for interfaces, test groups and test cases simplify new tests.
- easy replace of TODO in the snippet creates runnable test case quickly.
- More test cases
- Logging improvements
- Ability to set test sequence
- PLDM validator, and auto creation of PLDM bundles with error injection.
Feel free to start a new discussion, or otherwise post an issue/request.
An email contact is also available at: [email protected]