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Ory Network Project
No response
Describe the bug
In our system, we have "projects" which a user can view and "clips" which a user can view. If a clip is in a project, then the user can view the clip transitively. This works fine when a clip is in a very small number of projects, but if a clip is in ~200 different projects, then it slows down to >1s to check if the user can view the clip.
Running Keto locally, it appears to be churning through requests against SQL, loading every relationship into memory before checking if the user has access to any of them.
Reproducing the bug
Permissions model:
class User implements Namespace {}
class UserGroup implements Namespace {}
class Project implements Namespace {
related: {
owners: User[];
editors: (User | UserGroup)[];
permits = {
view: (ctx: Context): boolean =>
this.related.owners.includes(ctx.subject) || this.related.editors.includes(ctx.subject),
class Clip implements Namespace {
related: {
owners: User[];
parents: Project[];
permits = {
view: (ctx: Context): boolean =>
this.related.owners.includes(ctx.subject) || this.related.parents.traverse((parent) => parent.permits.view(ctx)),
Create 200 relationships of different projects all pointing to the same clipId, make a user an owner or editor on any one of the project.
Check if the user can access the clip
Expected: The query to still be fairly fast <50ms
Actual: On an M2 Mac with SQLite >150ms, but on a real database deployed in a container can take >1s
Relevant log output
No response
Relevant configuration
level: warn
location: file:///home/nonroot/model.ts
port: 4466
port: 4467
On which operating system are you observing this issue?
In which environment are you deploying?
Additional Context
No response