Hubris is a microcontroller operating environment designed for deeply-embedded systems with reliability requirements. Its design was initially proposed in RFD41, but has evolved considerably since then.
Developer documentation is in Asciidoc in the doc/
directory. It gets rendered
via GitHub pages, and is available at .
The repo is laid out as follows.
is where the top-level binary crates for applications live,
contains the firmware crate for Gimlet. Generally speaking, if you want to build an image for something, look here. -
contains the build system and supporting crates. -
contains peripheral definitions and debugging support files for individual microcontrollers. -
contains developer documentation. -
contains drivers, a mix of simple driver lib crates and fully-fledged server bin crates. Current convention is thatdrv/SYSTEM-DEVICE
is the driver forDEVICE
is usually an SoC name), whereasdrv/SYSTEM-DEVICE-server
is the server bin crate. -
contains interface definitions written in Idol -
contains assorted utility libraries we've written. If you need to make a reusable crate that doesn't fit into one of the other directories, it probably belongs here. -
is the bootloader/hypovisor, primarily for LPC55. -
contains some interface and programming support files, like fake certificates and programmer firmware images. -
contains the "system" bits of Hubris, namely the kernel (sys/kern
), the shared crate defining the ABI (sys/abi
), and the user library used by tasks (sys/userlib
). -
contains reusable tasks that aren't drivers. The distinction between things that live intask
vs indrv/something-server
is fuzzy. Use your judgement. -
contains the test framework and binary crates for building it for various boards. -
contains the source code for the hubris website
We currently support Linux and Windows as first-tier platforms. macOS is also used on a daily basis by Oxide employees, but is not tested in CI. The build probably also works on Illumos; if anyone would like to step up to maintain support and a continuous build for Illumos or macOS, we'd love the help.
To submit changes for review, push them to a branch in a fork and submit a pull
request to merge that branch into master
. For details, see
You will need:
-based toolchain install.rustup
will take care of automatically installing our pinned toolchain version, and the cross-compilation targets, when you first try to build. -
(ideally 0.11) or (if using the LPC55)pyocd
(0.27 or later). Note that the 0.10 release of OpenOCD predates the STLink v3. People are using various post-0.10, pre-0.11 builds provided by system package managers, with some success, but if your system isn't packaging 0.11 yet, pester them. If you're going to use Homebrew on macOS to install OpenOCD, you need to usebrew install --head openocd
to build the tip of the main branch rather than using the latest binary release. If you need to build from source, you can find OpenOCD v0.11.0 here. When running./configure
, make sure that you see that theST-Link Programmer
is set enabled (which should be the default). -
libusb, typically found from your system's package manager as
or similar. -
libfdti1, found as
or similar. -
If you will be running GDB, you should install
. This is typically from your system's package manager with a package name likearm-none-eabi-gdb
. macOS users can runbrew install --cask gcc-arm-embedded
to install the official ARM binaries. -
The Hubris debugger, Humility. Note that
cargo install
interacts strangely with therust-toolchain.toml
file present in the root of this repository; if you run the following command verbatim to install Humility, do so from a different directory:cargo install --git --locked humility
- Requires
as a dependency:cargo install cargo-readme
- Requires
There are three alternative ways to install OpenOCD:
See here for getting the source of openocd
or get unofficial binaries.
Alternatively, you can install with chocolatey:
> choco install openocd
Lastly, you could install openocd
with scoop:
> scoop bucket add extras
> scoop install openocd
Note: openocd
installed via scoop
has proven problematic for some
users. If you experience problems, try installing via choco
or from source
(see above).
To use the ST-Link programmer, you'll probably need to install this driver.
It's not necessary to build and run Hubris, but if you want to communicate over a serial link (and that's not supported by your terminal), you'll want to use PuTTY; this guide does a good job of explaining how.
We do not use cargo build
or cargo run
directly because they are too
inflexible for our purposes. We have a complex multi-architecture build, which
is a bit beyond them.
Instead, the repo includes a Cargo extension called xtask
that namespaces our
custom build commands.
cargo xtask dist TOMLFILE
builds a distribution image for the
application described by the TOML file.
cargo xtask dist app/demo-stm32f4-discovery/app.toml
- stm32f4-discoverycargo xtask dist app/demo-stm32f4-discovery/app-f3.toml
- stm32f3-discoverycargo xtask dist app/lpc55xpresso/app.toml
- lpcxpresso55s69cargo xtask dist app/demo-stm32g0-nucleo/app-g031.toml
- stm32g031-nucleocargo xtask dist app/demo-stm32g0-nucleo/app-g070.toml
- stm32g070-nucleocargo xtask dist app/demo-stm32h7-nucleo/app-h743.toml
- nucleo-ih743zi2cargo xtask dist app/demo-stm32h7-nucleo/app-h753.toml
- nucleo-ih753zicargo xtask dist app/gemini-bu/app.toml
- Gemini bringup board
Because a full image build can take 10 seconds or more, depending on what you've
changed, when you're iterating on a task or kernel you'll probably want to build
it separately. This is what cargo xtask build
is for.
For instance, to build task-ping
as it would be built in one of the images, but
without building the rest of the demo, run:
$ cargo xtask build app/gimletlet/app.toml ping
The cargo xtask clippy
subcommand can be used to run clippy
against one or
more tasks in the context of a particular image:
$ cargo xtask clippy app/gimletlet/app.toml ping pong
The Hubris build system will not work with rust-analyzer
out of the box.
However, cargo xtask lsp
is here to help: it takes as its argument a Rust
file, and returns JSON-encoded configuration for how to set up rust-analyzer
To use this data, some editor configuration is required!
(we haven't made plugins yet, but it would certainly be possible)
Using Neovim and rust-tools
here's an example configuration:
-- monkeypatch rust-tools to correctly detect our custom rust-analyzer
require'rust-tools.utils.utils'.is_ra_server = function (client)
local name =
local target = "rust_analyzer"
return string.sub(, 1, string.len(target)) == target
or == "rust_analyzer-standalone"
-- Configure LSP through rust-tools.nvim plugin, with lots of bonus
-- content for Hubris compatibility
local cache = {}
local clients = {}
tools = { -- rust-tools options
autoSetHints = true,
inlay_hints = {
show_parameter_hints = false,
parameter_hints_prefix = "",
other_hints_prefix = "",
-- do other configuration here as desired
server = {
on_new_config = function(new_config, new_root_dir)
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)
local dir = new_config.root_dir()
if string.find(dir, "hubris") then
-- Run `xtask lsp` for the target file, which gives us a JSON
-- dictionary with bonus configuration.
local prev_cwd = vim.fn.getcwd()
vim.cmd("cd " .. dir)
local cmd = dir .. "/target/debug/xtask lsp "
-- Notify `xtask lsp` of existing clients in the CLI invocation,
-- so it can check against them first (which would mean a faster
-- attach)
for _,v in pairs(clients) do
local c = vim.fn.escape(vim.json.encode(v), '"')
cmd = cmd .. '-c"' .. c .. '" '
local handle = io.popen(cmd .. bufname)
local result = handle:read("*a")
vim.cmd("cd " .. prev_cwd)
-- If `xtask` doesn't know about `lsp`, then it will print an error to
-- stderr and return nothing on stdout.
if result == "" then
vim.notify("recompile `xtask` for `lsp` support", vim.log.levels.WARN)
-- If the given file should be handled with special care, then
-- we give the rust-analyzer client a custom name (to prevent
-- multiple buffers from attaching to it), then cache the JSON in
-- a local variable for use in `on_attach`
local json = vim.json.decode(result)
if json["Ok"] ~= nil then = "rust_analyzer_" .. json.Ok.hash
cache[bufnr] = json
table.insert(clients, {toml =, task = json.Ok.task})
-- TODO:
-- vim.notify(vim.inspect(json.Err), vim.log.levels.ERROR)
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local json = cache[bufnr]
if json ~= nil then
local config = vim.deepcopy(client.config)
local ra = config.settings["rust-analyzer"]
-- Do rust-analyzer builds in a separate folder to avoid blocking
-- the main build with a file lock.
table.insert(json.Ok.buildOverrideCommand, "--target-dir")
table.insert(json.Ok.buildOverrideCommand, "target/rust-analyzer")
ra.cargo = {
extraEnv = json.Ok.extraEnv,
features = json.Ok.features,
noDefaultFeatures = true,
target =,
buildScripts = {
overrideCommand = json.Ok.buildOverrideCommand,
ra.check = {
overrideCommand = json.Ok.buildOverrideCommand,
config.lspinfo = function()
return { "Hubris app: " ..,
"Hubris task: " .. json.Ok.task }
client.config = config
settings = {
["rust-analyzer"] = {
-- enable clippy on save
checkOnSave = {
command = "clippy",
extraArgs = { '--target-dir', 'target/rust-analyzer' },
diagnostics = {
disabled = {"inactive-code"},
When a new LSP configuration is created (on_new_config
), we run cargo xtask lsp
on the target file. The JSON configuration includes a hash of
the configuration; we use that hash to modify the name of the client from
to rust_analyzer_$HASH
. This prevents Neovim from
attempting to reuse an existing client, which are normally deduplicated by
client name and workspace root directory; in Hubris, we want multiple clients
coexisting with same workspace root, so they need different names. Then, we
stash the rest of the configuration in a local variable (cache
), and record
the existence of this client in clients
When attaching to the LSP, we try to pull the configuration out of cache
. If
one exists, then we know we're dealing with a Hubris buffer; copy over relevant
portions of the configuration.
Note that this does not compile xtask
for you; it assumes it already exists
in target/debug/xtask
. This should be true if you're using Hubris regularly,
and saves significant amounts of time when opening a new file.
To create your own task, the easiest method is:
- Copy
to a new name. - Edit its
with your name and a new package name. - Add it to the list of workspace members in the root
. - Add it to a system image by editing an
file. - Run
cargo xtask build
to compile it.
A typical app.toml
entry for a small task that uses no memory-mapped
peripherals would read
name = "my-task-target-name"
priority = 1
requires = {flash = 1024, ram = 1024}
start = true
A graph can be generated that show the relationships of the various tasks
and their priorities. The resulting file is in Graphviz's
format. Dot
source can be included in Asciidoctor source
or rendered to a variety of formats.
To create and view an SVG graph for gimletlet
on Ubuntu, ensure that the graphviz
package is installed. Then generate the graph:
$ cargo xtask graph -o app/gimletlet/app.toml
$ dot -Tsvg > gimletlet.svg
$ xdg-open gimletlet.svg
Bash commands to generate all graphs:
APPS=( $(find app -name '*.toml' ! -name Cargo.toml) )
for app in "${APPS[@]}"
out=$(basename ${app//\//_} .toml).dot
svg=$(basename $out .dot).svg
cargo xtask graph -o $out $app
dot -Tsvg $out > $svg
out="$(basename ${first//\//_} .toml).dot"
svg="$(basename $out .dot).svg"
xdg-open "${svg}"
If eog
is the default viewer, opening the first SVG in a directory will
allow cycling through all of the available graphs using the same window.
Hubris is tightly coupled to its debugger,
which is used for the commands below either implicitly
(in cargo xtask flash
) or explicitly (in cargo xtask humility
If the humility
binary is not available on your $PATH
environment variable may be used to provide the path to the binary.
An image within a Hubris archive can be flashed directly onto a target board
by running cargo xtask flash
and specifying the appropriate
TOML file. This will run cargo xtask dist
and then pass the resulting
build archive to humility flash
. humility
will invoke either OpenOCD or
pyOCD to flash the image; the exact invocation depends on the board
and is encoded in the build archive.
- LPCXpresso55S69:
cargo xtask flash app/lpc55xpresso/app.toml
- STM32F4 Discovery board:
cargo xtask flash app/demo-stm32f4-discovery/app.toml
- ST Nucleo-H743ZI2 board:
cargo xtask flash app/demo-stm32h7-nucleo/app-h743.toml
- ST Nucleo-H753ZI board:
cargo xtask flash app/demo-stm32h7-nucleo/app-h753.toml
- Gemini bringup board:
cargo xtask flash app/gemini-bu/app.toml
Humility is run in situ by specifying an archive on a directly connected board, or postmortem by specifying a dump. As a convenience for development, Humility can also be run in situ by specifying the appropriate TOML, e.g. on a machine with an STM32F4 Discovery board directly attached:
$ cargo xtask humility app/demo-stm32f4-discovery/app.toml -- tasks
Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.17s
Running `target/debug/xtask humility demo/app.toml -- tasks`
humility: attached via ST-Link
0 20000108 jefe 0 Healthy(InRecv(None))
1 20000178 rcc_driver 0 Healthy(InRecv(None))
2 200001e8 usart_driver 0 Healthy(InRecv(None))
3 20000258 user_leds 0 Healthy(Runnable) <-
4 200002c8 ping 48 Healthy(Runnable)
5 20000338 pong 0 Healthy(InRecv(None))
6 200003a8 idle 0 Healthy(Runnable)
includes a gdb
subcommand which attaches to a running system
using arm-none-eabi-gdb
, optionally running its own openocd
instance based
on configuration data in the build archive.
For convenience, there's also a cargo xtask gdb
façade which calls humility
with the appropriate build archive:
$ cargo xtask gdb app/demo-stm32f4-discovery/app.toml -- --run-openocd
# ... lots of output elided ...
task_idle::main () at task/idle/src/
14 loop {
Breakpoint 1 at 0x800434c: file /, line 560.
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
semihosting is enabled
semihosting is enabled
Note that cargo xtask gdb
will (by default) also run dist
and flash
, to
ensure that the image on the chip is up to date. The -n
skips these steps.
The Hubris kernel is tested with a dedicated test image that includes a test
runner, assistant and test suite. The test image emits its results via ITM.
While these results can be interpreted manually, humility test
this. humility test
itself is most easily run via cargo xtask test
, which
runs the equivalent of cargo xtask dist
, cargo xtask flash
and cargo xtask humility test
. The exact invocation depends on the board:
- LPCXpresso55S69:
cargo xtask test test/tests-lpc55xpresso/app.toml
- STM32F3 Discovery board:
cargo xtask test test/tests-stm32fx/app-f3.toml
Note: for this board, SB10 must be soldered closed for ITM to work - STM32F4 Discovery board:
cargo xtask test test/tests-stm32fx/app.toml
- ST Nucleo-H743ZI2 board:
cargo xtask test test/tests-stm32h7/app-h743.toml
- ST Nucleo-H753ZI board:
cargo xtask test test/tests-stm32h7/app-h753.toml
Note: cargo xtask humility test
runs OpenOCD to connect to the device.
You must exit any other instances of OpenOCD that you have connected to the device
before running tests.
See the documentation for humility test
for details
on test results.
Output from tests is captured by humility test
; sys_log!()
calls to
tests can be added and then captured in a humility test
dump. To capture
a dump from tests that are otherwise passing, use cargo xtask humility
directly and pass the -d
flag, e.g.:
$ cargo xtask humility test/tests-stm32fx/app.toml -- test -d
humility: attached via ST-Link
humility: TPIU sync packet found at offset 1
humility: ITM synchronization packet found at offset 12
humility: expecting 22 cases
humility: running test_send ... ok
humility: running test_timer_notify ... ok
humility: running test_timer_notify_past ... ok
humility: tests completed: pass
humility: test output dumped to hubris.testout.2
if one needs to both run GDB and the test suite, use cargo xtask gdb
with the test image's TOML and the appropriate GDB file, and then place
breakpoints at the test of interest.
See the Gemini Bringup Getting Started docs (internal Oxide repo)
For the STM32F3 Discovery board, SB10 must be soldered closed for ITM to work! This solder bridge defaults to being open, which leaves SWO disconnected. See the STM32F3 Discovery User Manual (UM1570) for schematic and details.
To use the LPCXpresso55S69, you will need pyOCD, version 0.27.0 or later.
The LPCXpresso55S69 is somewhat of a mess because the built-on on-chip debugger, LPC-Link2, does not correctly support SWO/SWV
If you have the stock LPC-Link2, it will report itself this way via pyocd list
$ pyocd list
# Probe Unique ID
0 NXP Semiconductors LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP V5.361 JSAQCQIQ
It's also possible that you have the Segger J-Link firmware -- firmware
that will make its odious presence known by prompting for you to accept license
terms whenever running pyocd list
$ pyocd list
# Probe Unique ID
0 Segger J-Link LPCXpresso V2 compiled Apr 4 2019 16:54:03 726424936
In either of these cases you must -- as a one-time step -- install new firmware on the LPC-Link2. The new firmware is a build of the (open source) DAPLink, which we affectionally call RickLink after the engineer who managed to get it all built -- no small feat!
There are two files that you will need, both contained in the Hubris repository:
You will additionally need the LPCScrypt program from NXP.
Here are the steps to install RickLink:
Install the DFU jumper. This can be found next to the SWD header on the left side of the board; it is labelled "DFU".
from the installed LPCScrypt software:
$ /usr/local/lpcscrypt/scripts/boot_lpcscrypt
Looking for DFU devices with VID 1fc9 PID 000c ...
dfu-util -d 1fc9:000c -c 1 -i 0 -t 2048 -R -D /usr/local/lpcscrypt/scripts/../bin/LPCScrypt_228.bin.hdr
Booted LPCScrypt target (1fc9:000c) with /usr/local/lpcscrypt/scripts/../bin/LPCScrypt_228.bin.hdr
- Run
lpcscrypt clockslow
$ /usr/local/lpcscrypt/bin/lpcscrypt clockslow
- Run
lpcscrypt program +w1 0x0 BankA
to overwrite existing firmware
$ /usr/local/lpcscrypt/bin/lpcscrypt program +w1 0x0 BankA
Programmed 524288 bytes to 0x1a000000 in 2.610s (196.165KB/sec)
- Run
lpcscrypt program +c <path-to-lpc4322_bl_crc.bin> BankA
$ /usr/local/lpcscrypt/bin/lpcscrypt program +c ~/hubris/support/lpc4322_bl_crc.bin BankA
Programmed 57344 bytes to 0x1a000000 in 0.827s (67.717KB/sec)
Assuming it is successful, remove the DFU jumper and disconnect/reconnect USB
There should now be a USB mass storage device named
# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 477 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors
Disk model: Micron 2200S NVMe 512GB
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: A8653F99-39AB-4F67-A9C9-524A2864856E
Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/nvme0n1p1 2048 1050623 1048576 512M EFI System
/dev/nvme0n1p2 1050624 967393279 966342656 460.8G Linux filesystem
/dev/nvme0n1p3 967393280 1000214527 32821248 15.7G Linux swap
Disk /dev/sda: 64.1 MiB, 67174400 bytes, 131200 sectors
Disk model: VFS
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000
# mount /dev/sda /mnt
# ls /mnt
# cat /mnt/DETAILS.TXT
# DAPLink Firmware - see
Unique ID: 02360b000d96e4fc00000000000000000000000097969905
HIC ID: 97969905
Auto Reset: 1
Automation allowed: 1
Overflow detection: 1
Daplink Mode: Interface
Interface Version: 0254
Bootloader Version: 0254
Git SHA: f499eb6ec4a847a2b78831fe1acc856fd8eb2f28
Local Mods: 1
USB Interfaces: MSD, CDC, HID, WebUSB
Bootloader CRC: 0x09974fb3
Interface CRC: 0x7174ab4c
Remount count: 0
- Copy
to the USB drive
$ sudo cp ~/hubris/support/lpc4322_lpc55s69xpresso_if_rla_swo_hacks.bin /mnt
- Unmount (or otherwise sync) the USB drive:
# umount /mnt
- Unplug and replug the USB cable.
Verify that you are on the new firmware by running pyocd list
$ pyocd list
# Probe Unique ID
0 LPCXpresso55S69 [lpc55s69] 02360b000d96e4fc00000000000000000000000097969905
Note that the RickLink running on the LPCXpresso55S69 can also be used as the debugger for the LPC55S28 on the Gemini carrier board. To do this, first, follow all of the instructions above to get RickLink onto your LPCXpresso55S69. Then:
Using a soldering iron, solder a two-pin header on J5. J5 can be be found to the left of P1 and below the "Debugger" jumper (J3).
Put a jumper on the new header
Move the "Debugger" jumper (J3) to "Ext".
Use a SWD cable (10-pin 2x5 1.27mm pitch cable) to connect the SWD on the LPCXpresso55S69 to the SWD underneath the carrier board on Gemini (J202)
(To allow your RickLink to once again debug its local LPC55S69, remove the jumper on J5 and move J3 to "Loc".)
If multiple probes are attached, tools may struggle to find the right one at
the right time. In particular, OpenOCD will pick the first one that it finds;
to force OpenOCD to pick a particular probe,
you can ascertain the serial number of the probe (e.g., from humility probe
and then specify that serial number in the corresponding openocd.cfg
adding, e.g.:
interface hla
hla_serial 271828182845904523536028
(Where 271828182845904523536028
is the serial number of the probe.)
It is common that debugging dongles, and development boards with embedded debug hardware like the Nucleo series, are delivered with older firmware.
You will not be able to use Humilty with outdated ST-Link firmware. Humility
will tell you this is the case, for example when attempting to use humility test
Warn : Adding extra erase range, 0x08020060 .. 0x0803ffff
** Programming Finished **
** Verify Started **
** Verified OK **
** Resetting Target **
humility: test failed: The firmware on the probe is outdated
Error: test failed
Follow this "ST-LINK firmware upgrade" link to find software and instructions necessary to install current firmware.