Golang video transcode workers to run FFMPEG commands using os/exec
. Created with multiple server instances in mind.
Optionally uses rmq (Redis message queue) as a distributed worker job queue: https://github.com/adjust/rmq
Jobs must have a valid Preset to run. JobParams (map[string]string) can be attached before submission to replace {{placeholder}}
strings in a Preset.
preset := &transcoder.Preset{
Path: "ffmpeg",
Args: []string{"-y", "-progress", "-", "-nostats", "-i", "{{input}}", "{{output}}"},
params := map[string]string{
"input": "input.mp4",
"output": "output.mp4",
job := transcoder.NewJob(preset, params)
A NewDirector in the queue package creates a worker pool and subscribes to a rmq.Queue
redisClient := redis.NewUniversalClient(&redis.UniversalOptions{
Addrs: []string{"localhost:6379"},
jobUpdatesChan := make(chan *transcoder.JobStatus, 100)
director, err := queue.NewDirector(QueueName, WorkerNum, redisClient, jobUpdatesChan)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not create director %v", err)
If you don't want to use an rmq.Queue, you can instead create your own worker pool.
// Queue to submit new jobs
jobQueue := make(chan *transcoder.Job, 100)
// Chan for status updates from workers (alternatively, can pass nil)
jobUpdatesChan := make(chan *transcoder.JobStatus, 100)
for i := 0; i < WorkerNum; i++ {
transcoder.NewWorker(jobQueue, jobUpdatesChan)
// Read updates
go func() {
for update := range jobUpdatesChan {
log.Printf("%v Status: %s %s", update.Job.ID, update.Status, update.Message)
// Send new jobs to the pool
newJob := &transcoder.Job{Preset: &transcoder.Preset{}}
jobQueue <- newJob
// Block until job finishes
Example servers, workers, and cli in /cmd
Listen for incoming JobSubmission requests and submit them to the worker pool. Handles running, killing, and getting job status.
Serially run many jobs directly using a single Preset. flag args are used for JobParams input and output.
Batch many ffmpeg jobs using a single Preset. flag args are used for JobParams input and output.
Listen for incoming JobSubmission requests and add them to rmq.Queue to via queue.Director. Saves any JobStatus messages to the db
Listen to rmq.Queue to via queue.Director and run consumed jobs. Saves any JobStatus messages to the db
Listen to rmq.Queue to via queue.Director and run consumed jobs.