An A11y compliant, full featured, lightweight (3kb gzip) and dependency free toggle utility for collapsible accordions. Written in TypeScript and distributed in ES6 this tiny little module flaunts an extensive API for usage in modern web projects.
Visit Documentation:
- Supports both semantic and sibling markup structures
- Silky smooth transitions leveraging WAAPI
- Drop-in solution with no complexities, just initialize!
- A11y compliant (accessibility support) baked into the core.
- Functional and pure, no classes or prototype bullshit.
- Event dispatching with global context access and persisted instances
The module is shipped for ESM consumption in the Browser.
pnpm add relapse
Relapse requires initialization to function. The selector and option parameters are completely optional.
import relapse from 'relapse';
const toggle = relapse('.selector', {
persist: false, // Whether or not a fold should always be expanded
multiple: false, // Whether or not multiple folds can be expanded
unique: false, // Whether or not instance is unique
schema: 'data-relapse', // Custom data attribute reference
fold: {
easing: 'ease-in-out', // The animation easing to apply
duration: 200, // Duration of the fold content transition
fade: {
duration: 120, // Duration of the fold content transition
transition: 'linear', // The easing effect to apply when fading content
classes: {
opened: 'opened', // The class to use for opened button
expanded: 'expanded', // The class to use on expanded fold
disabled: 'disabled' // The class to use for disabled fold