Further to some of what I asked for
At the beginning of the sun_moon
file, need to add atan2, degrees, asin
to the math
# A function I built based on the sin_alt function, together with AI and examples from the Astral library
# The function returns the altitude of the Sun or Moon in degrees, azimuth from north in degrees, right ascension in hours (decimal - without minutes and seconds), and declination in degrees
# The function also calculates the local sidereal time and the hour angle of the Sun or Moon, but these are not returned
def alt_az_ra_dec(self, hour, sun=True):
Returns the altitude (Alt) and azimuth (Az) of the Sun in degrees.
func = minisun if sun else minimoon
mjd = (self.mjd - 51544.5) + hour / 24.0
t = mjd / 36525.0
x, y, z = func(t) # Cartesian coordinates of the Sun or Moon
tl = self.lstt(t, hour) + self.long # Local sidereal time
sin_alt = self.sglat * z + self.cglat * (x * cos(radians(tl)) + y * sin(radians(tl)))
alt = degrees(asin(sin_alt)) # Altitude of the Sun in degrees
# Declination calculation in degrees
rho = sqrt(x * x + y * y) # Projection of the vector on the XY plane
dec = degrees(atan2(z, rho)) # Declination calculation in degrees
# Right ascension (RA) calculation
ra = ((48.0 / (2 * pi)) * atan(y / (x + rho))) % 24 # Right ascension in hours, in a decimal fracture
# Azimuth (Az) calculation
hourangle = radians(tl) - radians(ra * 15) # Local sidereal time minus the right ascension of the star gives its hour angle (ra * 15 converts to degrees)
hourangle_hours = (degrees(hourangle) % 360) / 15.0 # Hour angle in hours, in a decimal fracture
sh = sin(hourangle)
ch = cos(hourangle)
sd = sin(radians(dec))
cd = cos(radians(dec))
sl = self.sglat # ==sin(radians(lat))
cl = self.cglat # ==cos(radians(lat))
x = -ch * cd * sl + sd * cl
y = -sh * cd
az = degrees(atan2(y, x)) % 360 # Azimuth in degrees
return alt, az, ra, dec
# Calculating the current hour in a decimal fracture
#current_hour = (hour + (minute / 60) + (second / 3600)) - utc_offset_hours
#s_alt, s_az, s_ra, s_dec = riset.alt_az_ra_dec(current_hour, sun=True)
#m_alt, m_az, m_ra, m_dec = riset.alt_az_ra_dec(current_hour, sun=False)
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