This is an experimental re-imagining of how the core OCM library could look.
It is heavily inspired by the structure of go-containerregistry.
The API provides some basic primitives which can be composed to create components.
The following example shows how we can build a component and write to a repository:
package main
import (
func main() {
// define metadata for the resource
meta := types.ObjectMeta{
Name: "config",
Type: types.ResourceType("file"),
// create an access method for a file on disk
// notice the filesystem provider helper methods to access resources
// filesystem.ReadFile returns v2.Access
access, err := filesystem.ReadFile(
if err != nil {
// build the config resource using the metadata and access method
config := build.NewResource(meta, access)
// create the component
cmp := build.New("", "v1.0.0", "")
// add resources to the component using the mutate package
cmp = mutate.WithResources(cmp, config)
// setup the repository using the filesystem provider
repo, err := filesystem.Repository("./transport-archive")
if err != nil {
// write the component to the repository
if err := repo.Write(cmp); err != nil {