SplitItem radio works well:
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\Builder\SplitItemBuilder;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\CliMenu;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\Builder\CliMenuBuilder;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
$menu = (new CliMenuBuilder)
->setTitle('Header 1')
->addSplitItem(function (SplitItemBuilder $b) use ($itemCallable) {
$b->addRadioItem('Item 1-A', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-B', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-C', function() {})
But it's not possible to have multiple groups of RadioItem within the same menu level:
$menu = (new CliMenuBuilder)
->addStaticItem('Header 1')
->addRadioItem('Item 1-A', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-B', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-C', function() {})
->addStaticItem('Header 2')
->addRadioItem('Item 2-A', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 2-B', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 2-C', function() {})
Similarly, I want to be able to group non-RadioItem items together.
I'm thinking a non-styled container item that can take any number of MenuItemInterface
It has the following API:
If it contains no items, the parent CliMenu
displays nothing - it is only a container of items and has no styling of its own, nor does it affect the UI.
If it has items, it behaves as if those items were defined in-line with the parent menu.
$menu = (new CliMenuBuilder)
->addStaticItem('Header 1')
->addGroup(function (CliMenuBuilder $b) {
$b->addRadioItem('Item 1-A', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-B', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-C', function() {})
->addStaticItem('Header 2')
->addGroup(function (CliMenuBuilder $b) {
$b->addRadioItem('Item 2-A', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 2-B', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 2-C', function() {})
This would look identical to the GIF above.
If no items are defined,
$menu = (new CliMenuBuilder)
->addStaticItem('Header 1')
->addGroup(function (CliMenuBuilder $b) {
$b->addRadioItem('Item 1-A', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-B', function() {})
->addRadioItem('Item 1-C', function() {})
->addStaticItem('Header 2')
->addGroup(function (CliMenuBuilder $b) {
then it acts as if the group isn't defined at all:
This will help group RadioItems in a vertical manner (without needing to use SplitItem
), and allow grouping other item types for non-Menu work.
In addition, I would suggest changing RadioItem::getSelectAction()
to use this group feature to disable other items within the same group, vs using SplitItem
If the radio item does not belong to a group, behave as it already does and toggle off other radio items within the same CliMenu
Thinking about this, for initial PR it would be good to keep it simple and not give this class any styling at all. Simply a container, nothing else, but I could see it expending to keeping its own copy of styles and applying them to any children items.
So this would basically end up being a submenu that's visible on the current menu without needing to select an item to view the children items within.