Homie based AIR Quality sensor.
- PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 monitoring
- Temperature, himidity and pressure monitoring
- Continous measurement with average calculation for given period
- Data reporting via MQTT
- Fully configurable via MQTT (heater temperature, measure freqnecy)
- All Homie features (OTA upgrades, JSON configuration)
- Heating of intake air - avoid errors from high air humidity
- Non blocking (no delay) code with serial support
- ESP8266 module (for example Wemos D1 mini)
- Air quality sensor PMS3003
- SI7021 temperature and humidity sensor
- BME280 pressure sensor
- DS18B20 1-wire bus temperature sensor
- 4k7Ω resistor
- PTC Heater element
BME280 and SI7021 have to be connected to I2C 1W connector (PIN1 - Vcc, PIN2 - GND, PIN3 - SCL, PIN4 - SDA). DS18B20 sensor have to be connected to 1W connector (PIN1 - Vcc, PIN2 - data, PIN3 - GND). Connector "Heat Voltage" is voltage control of PTC Heater element (PIN1 to PIN2 - main power voltage, PIN2 to PIN3 - 5V ).
DS18B20 is used for reading temperature of air and as a source of temperature for heater driver - if multiple DS1820 are connected the highest temperature is used as reference.
In VS Code press F1 enter ''git: clone'' + Enter and insert link to my repository (https://github.com/piotrC4/air-monitor)
Edit platformio.ini and setup upload_port variable acording to system settings if PlatofmIO can'd identify proper COM port
In PlatformIO menu choose PROJECT TASKS -> Build
Connect ESP to PC via serial adapter. In PlatformIO menu choose option PROJECT TASKS -> Upload.
Copy UI bundle to data/homie folder (See https://github.com/homieiot/homie-esp8266/tree/develop/data/homie )
In Platformio menu choose option PROJECT TASKS ->Upload File System image
Software is build on top of Homie framework - configuration will be done in Homie-way. Connect to MyIOT-xxxxx AP and go to configration UI. Also there is Andorid configuration app - see https://homieiot.github.io/homie-esp8266/docs/develop-v3/configuration/http-json-api/
All reads are published in MQTT topics in Homie-way. For example - if homie prefix is homie/
and device ID: airq
we have readings like:
- period of single mesurement cycle [seconds]homie/airq/pmsensor/heaterTargetTemp
- target teperature for heaterhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM10/avg
- PM10 average for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM10/min
- PM10 min reading for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM10/max
- PM10 max reading for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM25/avg
- PM2.5 average for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM25/min
- PM2.5 min reading for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM25/max
- PM2.5 max reading for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM1/avg
- PM1 average for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM1/min
- PM1 min reading for given periodhomie/airq/pmsensor/PM1/max
- PM1 max reading for given periodhomie/airq/enviro/humidity/si7021
- Humidity reading from SI7021homie/airq/enviro/temperature/si7021
- Temperature reading from SI7021homie/airq/enviro/humidity/BME280
- Humidity reading from BME280homie/airq/enviro/temperature/BME280
- Temperature reading from BME280homie/airq/enviro/pressure
- Pressure reading from BME280homie/airq/enviro/temperature/xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Temperature reading from DS18B20 (xxxx represents device address)homie/airq/Log/#
- log information - for example number of DS18B20 sensor, presence of SI7021 and BME280, errors
By publishing message to specific topics configuration is possbile:
- set measurement period in secondshomie/airq/pmsensor/heaterTargetTemp/set
- heater targer temperaturehomie/airq/pmsensor/debug/set
- ON/OFF message - turn on off debug messageshomie/airq/keepalive/value/set
- keepalive timeout - if tick message not arrive in given time, device will reboot, 0 - disable keepalivehomie/airq/keepalive/tic/set
- any message to reset keepalive counter
Inspiration for this project: