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cdncheck is a tool for identifying the technology associated with dns / ip network addresses.



  • CDN, CLOUD and WAF Detection
  • Easy to use as library
  • Easily extendable providers
  • IP, DNS input support
  • Text, JSONL output
  • Filters on output


cdncheck requires go1.19 to install successfully. Run the following command to install the latest version:

go install -v


cdncheck -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

  ./cdncheck [flags]

   -i, -input string[]  list of ip / dns to process

   -cdn    display only cdn in cli output
   -cloud  display only cloud in cli output
   -waf    display only waf in cli output

   -mcdn, -match-cdn string[]      match host with specified cdn provider (cloudfront, fastly, google, leaseweb)
   -mcloud, -match-cloud string[]  match host with specified cloud provider (aws, google, oracle)
   -mwaf, -match-waf string[]      match host with specified waf provider (cloudflare, incapsula, sucuri, akamai)

   -fcdn, -filter-cdn string[]      filter host with specified cdn provider (cloudfront, fastly, google, leaseweb)
   -fcloud, -filter-cloud string[]  filter host with specified cloud provider (aws, google, oracle)
   -fwaf, -filter-waf string[]      filter host with specified waf provider (cloudflare, incapsula, sucuri, akamai)

   -resp               display technology name in cli output
   -o, -output string  write output in plain format to file
   -v, -verbose        display verbose output
   -j, -jsonl          write output in json(line) format
   -nc, -no-color      disable colors in cli output
   -version            display version of the project
   -silent             only display results in output

   -r, -resolver string[]  list of resolvers to use (file or comma separated)
   -e, -exclude            exclude detected ip from output
   -retry int              maximum number of retries for dns resolution (must be at least 1) (default 2)

   -up, -update                 update cdncheck to latest version
   -duc, -disable-update-check  disable automatic cdncheck update check

How to add new providers?

provider.yaml file contains list of CDN, WAF and Cloud providers. The list contains URLs, ASNs and CIDRs which are then compiled into a final sources_data.json file using generate-index program.

Example of provider.yaml file -

  # asn contains the ASN numbers for providers
      - AS60626

  # urls contains a list of URLs for CDN providers

  # cidr contains the CIDR ranges for providers
      - ""
      - ""
      - ""
      - ""
      - ""
      - ""

New providers which can be scraped from a URL, ASN or a list of static CIDR can be added to provider.yaml file by following simple steps as listed below:

  • Fork the GitHub repository containing the cmd/generate-index/provider.yaml file.
  • Clone your forked repository to your local machine and navigate to the cmd/generate-index directory.
  • Open the provider.yaml file and locate the section for the type of provider you want to add (CDN, WAF, or Cloud).
  • Add the new provider's information to the appropriate section in the provider.yaml file.
  • Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message.
  • Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub.
  • Open a pull request to the original repository with your changes.

Other providers

CNAME and Wappalyzer based additions can be done in other.go file. Just simply add the values to the variables and you're good to go.

// cdnCnameDomains contains a map of CNAME to domains to cdns
var cdnCnameDomains = map[string]string{
	"":         "amazon",
	"":          "amazon",

// cdnWappalyzerTechnologies contains a map of wappalyzer technologies to cdns
var cdnWappalyzerTechnologies = map[string]string{
	"imperva":    "imperva",
	"incapsula":  "incapsula",

cdncheck as library

Helper library that checks if a given IP is running on Cloud / CDN / WAF.

The library can be used by importing here follows a basic example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	client := cdncheck.New()
	ip := net.ParseIP("")

	// checks if an IP is contained in the cdn denylist
	matched, val, err := client.CheckCDN(ip)
	if err != nil {

	if matched {
		fmt.Printf("%v is a %v\n", ip, val)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%v is not a CDN\n", ip)

	// checks if an IP is contained in the cloud denylist
	matched, val, err = client.CheckCloud(ip)
	if err != nil {

	if matched {
		fmt.Printf("%v is a %v\n", ip, val)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%v is not a Cloud\n", ip)

	// checks if an IP is contained in the waf denylist
	matched, val, err = client.CheckWAF(ip)
	if err != nil {

	if matched {
		fmt.Printf("%v WAF is %v\n", ip, val)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%v is not a WAF\n", ip)

cdncheck is made with ❤️ by the projectdiscovery team and distributed under MIT License.

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