What version of protobuf and what language are you using?
Version: main
Language: Java
What operating system (Linux, Windows, ...) and version?
What runtime / compiler are you using (e.g., python version or gcc version)
What did you do?
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Create .proto file with around 1.000 fields like
message LargeMessage {
optional string s2 = 2;
optional int32 i3 = 3;
optional string s998 = 998;
optional int32 i999 = 99;
Compile it with protoc
You get too large methods for Java JIT compiler. Default compilation limit is 8000 bytes of byte code.
It will work, but in interpreter mode. Very very slow.
What did you expect to see
bytecode_estimate calculation and split large methods with MaybeRestartJavaMethod(...)
What did you see instead?
Large methods
It may be fixed with some java flags
But it's not good solution. Split large method it's better.