The following file successfully compiles, even though the start and end tags for the reserved declaration are backwards:
// test.proto
message Foo { reserved 10 to 1; }
Running protoc test.proto -o /dev/null
If I try to generate code, some plugins complain about this when processing the descriptors in the code generation request.
> protoc test.proto --go_out ./tmpgen --go_opt
protoc-gen-go: invalid FileDescriptorProto "test.proto": proto: message "Foo" reserved ranges has invalid range: 10 to 1
--go_out: protoc-gen-go: Plugin failed with status code 1.
Note that it is only reserved tags for messaged that exhibit this issue. If I do the same thing (swap start and end) in reserved numbers for enums or in extension ranges, the compiler correctly complains:
// test.proto
message Foo { reserved 10 to 1; }
message Bar { extensions 10 to 1; }
enum Baz { BUZZ = 0; reserved 10 to 1; }
> protoc test.proto -o /dev/null
test.proto:3:26: Extension range end number must be greater than start number.
test.proto: Reserved range end number must be greater than start number.
(Interestingly, there is no line and column reported for that second error, which suggests the error is happening when the descriptor is added to the compiler's pool instead of during parse. Whereas the error for the extension range does include line and column details.)