What version of protobuf and what language are you using?
Version: 27.1 (and at head)
Language: Bazel 7+ with bzlmod enabled
What did you do?
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
$ bazel --version
bazel 7.2.0
$ touch WORKSPACE.bzlmod # disables WORKSPACE file for bzlmod
$ bazel build --enable_bzlmod //java/util
What did you expect to see
Successful build.
What did you see instead?
ERROR: no such package '@@[unknown repo 'maven' requested from @@]//': The repository '@@[unknown repo 'maven' requested from @@]' could not be resolved: No repository visible as '@maven' from main repository
ERROR: /usr/local/google/home/ilist/src/protobuf/java/util/BUILD.bazel:8:13: no such package '@@[unknown repo 'maven' requested from @@]//': The repository '@@[unknown repo 'maven' requested from @@]' could not be resolved: No repository visible as '@maven' from main repository and referenced by '//java/util:util'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//java/util:util' failed; build aborted: Analysis failed
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.359s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
ERROR: Build did NOT complete successfully
Anything else we should know about your project / environment
This problem practically prevents protobuf to be used as a transitive dependency with bzlmod.