Hello I'm creating this ticket because ticket #921 is still opened without any response from developers.
Wanted feature
M118 command implemented as in vanilla Marlin.
Please can you implement M118 command used to instruct host/G-code sender about events handled by printer firmware like unpausing print job from printer. This feature is already implemented in vanilla Marlin and is pretty handy.
Background story
I'm running 3D printing service on dormitory as activity of civil association. We are printing non-stop so I set up Octoprint for managing filament usage, remote controlling but in first place for queuing print jobs because in first month of usage we used 4kg of filament. And we are loosing lots of time on loading jobs to Octoprint. So using print queue I can speed up loading jobs via M0/M1 after each job pause FW let someone clean heatbed and confirm that with rotary button and start next job. Problem is that job is paused twice first on printer FW and after that on Octoprint which could be resumed by sending M118 A1 action:resume to printer and echoing back //action:resume.