Hello everyone,
I wanted to test this extension but run into issues early on. I followed the recommendations in the pdf and installed the extension. Then I tried to create a new project from an example, but the project could not be created. I tried it with the Pico 2, Pico 2W and the Pico 1W to no avail.
I was greeted by the following messages in the dev console for the Pico 2W:
ERR [Extension Host] [�[31mERROR�[0m] [raspberry-pi-pico - downloadHelper] Extracting archive file failed: ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod 'C:\Users\<username>\.pico-sdk\openocd\0.12.0+dev\scripts\target\?1879x?1?.cfg'
followed by
ERR [Extension Host] [�[31mERROR�[0m] [raspberry-pi-pico - NewProjectPanel] Generator Process error: Command failed: "c:\Program Files\Python\Python313\python.exe" "c:/Users/<username>/.vscode/extensions/raspberry-pi.raspberry-pi-pico-0.17.2/scripts/" -board pico2_w -exam -d 0 --project vscode --projectRoot "c:\Users\<username>\IDE\rbPico2W" --sdkVersion 2.1.0 --toolchainVersion 13_3_Rel1 --picotoolVersion 2.1.0 --openOCDVersion 0.12.0+dev --ninjaPath "C:/Users/<username>/.pico-sdk/ninja/v1.12.1/ninja" --cmakePath "C:/Users/<username>/.pico-sdk/cmake/v3.29.9/bin/cmake" "blink"
and finally
ERR [Extension Host] [�[31mERROR�[0m] [raspberry-pi-pico - NewProjectPanel] Generator Process exited with code: 4294967295
I am running on Win11Pro x64 Version 24H2 with an up-to-date Vs Code. I also could not find any logs.
Any advise or help is much appreciated.