By design, Go doesn't offer any mechanism for Exception handling. But Programmers from different backgrounds like Java, C++, Php can be sceptical about the decision. Exception handling with Try Catch Finally is well adapted in all the modern languages. To ease the pain, this library offers utility functions for Exception Handling, which will help programmers to write Go code with Try-Catch-Finally approach.
e ""
e.Try(func() {
data := getValue() // get me the value from Allions
if data != 100 {
e.Throw(e.AssertionError("Expected value is not same as 100"))
.Catch(e.In(e.AssertionErrorType, e.ValueErrorType), func(excep *Exception) {
fmt.Println("Exception Type:",excep.Type)
fmt.Println("Here is the Stack Trace:",excep.StackTrace)
.Catch(nil, func(excep *Exception) {
fmt.Println("I'll be executed as fallback:",excep.Message)
.Finally(func() {
fmt.Println("I have been executing always to clean the world!")
You have to define a exception variable with ExceptionType.
const SomethingWentWrongError e.ExceptionType = "SomethingWentWrongError"
Now you have to initialize and throw your exception via e.New constructor. You can pass a proper error message as optional argument.
e.Try(func() {
e.Throw(e.New(SomethingWentWrongError, "Something went worng!"))
.Catch(e.In(SomethingWentWrongError), func(excep *Exception) {
fmt.Println("Exception Type:",excep.Type)
.Finally(func() {
fmt.Println("I'm Gonna fix it!")
e.Try(func() {
panic("I'm gonna panic but don't worry")
.Catch(nil, func(excep *Exception) {
fmt.Println("I knew you are gonna catch me :p", excep.Message)