In this issue, I would like others to review the following pages as a fresh set of eyes. You might catch things that I may have missed:
- AJAX and APIs Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- Babel, JSX, and Build FAQ Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- Styling Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- Virtual DOM and Internals Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- File Structure Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- Versioning Policy Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- Component State Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
- Passing Functions to Components Fixes translations of FAQ section #172
Advanced Guides
- Refs and the DOM
- Render Props
- Profiler API
- Optimizing Performance
- Reconciliation
- Strict Mode
- Static Type Checking
- Uncontrolled Components
- Typechecking with PropTypes
- React without ES6
- React without JSX
- JSX in Depth
- Portals
- Integrating with Other Libraries
- High-Order Components
- Hooks Intro
- Hooks Overview
- State Hook
- Effect Hook
- Rules of Hooks
- Custom Hooks
- Hooks API Reference
- Hooks FAQ