My dotfiles repo.
Here I store my dotfiles and other miscellanea regarding machine configuration. For the most part this comprises of:
- runtime configurations, primarily for my regular
workflows. - many tools I've written to make my life easier.
- notes on manual OSX settings. Hopefully someday I can automate these.
I've not built much here with consideration for needs beyond my own, so if you somehow find yourself (1) reading this and (2) considering for some reason installing my dotfiles, proceed at your own peril.
These dotfiles are intended to be installed via a bare git repository - thank you to @liamfd for the recommendation.
# in $HOME
# clone this repo (explicitly using https to avoid auth issues)
$ git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
# add a temporary "dots" alias to this git repo
$ alias dots='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
# copy the files
$ dots checkout
# ignore untracked (non dotfiles) files
$ dots config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
# if there is a merge conflict, rename the conflicting files and try again
This bootstrap script will (in theory) install all of the stuff I usually install.
$ ./core/bootstrap