Basic DSL for SQL/DDL generation formerly part of org.clojure/java.jdbc (0.3.0).
This DSL was grown here in this repository as an experiment for inclusion in the java.jdbc contrib library but community feedback indicated that adding a DSL to java.jdbc caused confusion and was unnecessary. In particular, this DSL wasn't very sophisticated and I had no plans to make it sophisticated. Projects like HoneySQL and SQLingvo are always going to be better DSLs.
Because this DSL is being removed from org.clojure/java.jdbc, the java.jdbc.sql and java.jdbc.ddl namespaces have been moved to this external project so that anyone using the DSL can continue doing so by simply switching to the java-jdbc.sql and java-jdbc.ddl namespaces from this project instead.
Latest stable release: 0.1.3:
Leiningen dependency information:
[java-jdbc/dsl "0.1.3"]
Maven dependency information:
Generate SQL and parameters that can be used in query and execute expressions:
(select * :person)
;;=> ("SELECT * FROM person")
(select [:id :name] :person
(where {:email "[email protected]" :sex ["M", "F"]}))
;;=> ("SELECT id,name FROM person WHERE email = ? AND sex IN (?, ?)" "[email protected]" "M", "F")
(select [{ :userid}] {:person :p}
(join {:address :a} { :a.personid})
(where { "[email protected]"}))
;;=> ("SELECT AS userid,, FROM person p JOIN address a ON = a.personid
;; WHERE = ?" "[email protected]")
(select [:id :name] :person
(order-by :name))
;;=> ("SELECT id,name FROM person ORDER BY name ASC")
(update :person {:status "active"})
;;=> ("UPDATE person SET status = ?" "active")
(update :person {:status "suspended"}
(where {:country "NG"}))
;;=> ("UPDATE person SET status = ? WHERE country = ?" "suspended" "NG")
(delete :person (where {:id 42}))
;;=> ("DELETE FROM person WHERE id = ?" 42)
select expects a column-spec, a table-spec, optional join-clauses (as strings), an optional where-clause (sequence of SQL conditions as a string followed by parameters). It returns a sequence whose first element is a string containing a SQL SELECT statement and whose remaining elements are the values to be substituted for parameters (?) in that string.
A column-spec may be *, a single column or a sequence of columns. A column may be a string or keyword, or a map (of a single key to a single value, that specifies a column alias).
A table-spec may be a string or a keyword, or a map (of a single key to a single value, that specifies a table alias).
A join-clause is just a string containing a SQL JOIN clause. It can be generated by the join function.
A where-clause is a sequence whose first element is a string containing SQL conditions and whose remaining elements are the values to be substituted for parameters (?) in that string. It can be generated by the where function.
delete expects a table-spec and a where-clause (which is not optional). It returns a sequence whose first element is a string containing a SQL DELETE statement and whose remaining elements are the values to be substituted for parameters (?) in that string.
insert expects a table-spec and either column-names followed by values or value-maps representing rows.
join expects a table-spec and a join-map which is used to generate the ON clause. It returns a string containing a SQL JOIN/ON clause.
A join-map is a map whose keys and values represent columns in the two tables being joined.
where expects a value-map which is used to generate a string that contains the conditional part of a WHERE clause and the values to be substituted for parameters (?) within that string. It returns a sequence whose first element is the string and whose remaining elements are the parameter values.
order-by expects a sequence of col-sorts. A col-sort is either string or keyword representing a column to sort on (ascending), or a map with one key / value pair that specifies a column name and a sort direction (:asc, :desc).
update expects a table-spec, an update-map and an optional where-clause. It returns a sequence whose first element is a string containing a SQL UPDATE statement and whose remaining elements are the values to be substituted for parameters (?) in that string.
An update-map is a map whose keys represent columns to be set to the corresponding values.
All functions that generate SQL may have an optional :entities keyword argument (after the specified arguments) which specifies an identifier naming convention, e.g., (quoted \)** which would cause SQL entities to be quoted with **\
(:id would become `id`). Other built-in naming conventions as as-is and lower-case.
The entities macro can be used to apply an identifier naming convention to a DSL expression. It expects a function representing the naming convention and a DSL expression. It post-walks the DSL expression and inserts the :entities keyword argument and naming convention at the end of each expression.
- 0.1.3 2015-06-10 Update to support Clojure 1.7.0-RC1 (conflict with
). - 0.1.2 2015-04-13 Add support for more WHERE clauses (@kofrasa).
- 0.1.1 2014-11-27 Add support for IN (@dryewo); bump base Clojure version to 1.6.0
- 0.1.0 2013-11-24 Initial version extracted from java.jdbc
Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Sean Corfield
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.