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Stefan Lau edited this page Oct 27, 2013 · 1 revision

Send email notifications using the notification/mail module. Built-in notifications when:

  • Miner falls below hashrate
  • Miner gets disconnected

Configuration Options:

transport (Type: Object Default: {}): The configuration for the transport that is used to send the email. Have a look at the "Setting up a transport method"-Section of nodemailer to figure out what you need to put here.
from (Type: String Default: miner-dashboard@server): The sender address of the email.
to (Type: String|Array Default: []): An email address or array of email addresses that should receive the notifications.
cc (Type: String|Array Default: []): An email address or array of email addresses that should be set on cc for the notifications.
notifyOn (Type: Object|Function Default: { disconnect: true, minAvgHashrate: 0 }): Either a function that returns an array of notifications or an object that configures the built-in notifications.


modules: [
        id: 'miner1',
        module: 'miners/bfgminer'
        module: 'notification/mail',
        transport: {
            auth: {
                user: '[email protected]',
                pass: 'securepassword'
        from: '[email protected]',
        to: '[email protected]',
        notifyOn: {
            disconnect: true,
            minAvgHashrate: {
                miner1: 900
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