Hi, I've been playing around with implementing a WebGPU backend using wgpu-rs
. I'm basing my current work a lot off the metal backend (in my mind, WebGPU is a very slightly more spartan version of Metal...).
I have some questions:
- Is a WebGPU backend something that
is interested in? - Is the Metal backend a reasonable basis for implementation ideas? (I've noticed there's some issues building the shaders due to missing parts in the Metal steps)
My current progress is here: master...tangmi:webgpu-backend, and I've run into some issues like: WebGPU doesn't support some attribute types pathfinder uses (e.g. Char1, Short1, etc) and needing SPIR-V (wgsl, maybe?) shaders and reflection info (which either needs a runtime solution or a way to pack that info into the compiled shader resources).
Thanks for your time and for working on this awesome project!