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Singularity Web SDK Boilerplate

Welcome to the Singularity Web SDK Boilerplate! This project demonstrates the integration of snet-sdk-web, focusing on wallet management and service utilization within the SingularityNET ecosystem. It supports two types of wallets: a browser extension wallet similar to MetaMask and a social authentication-based wallet.


  • Integration of desktop/mobile and social authentication-based wallets.
  • Seamless interaction with SingularityNET services using snet-sdk-web.
  • Facilities to purchase AGIX tokens through on-ramp service.

Service details:

By default, the project is configured with two example services: one for the Ethereum Mainnet and one for the Sepolia Testnet.

Mainnet Example Service:

Organization ID: snet
Service: Text Summaries(news-summary)
Service URL:
Network: Ethereum Mainnet
Description: This service offers a concise summary of news articles. Based on input text the service returns a summarized version of the content.

Testnet Example Service:

Organization ID: Naint1
Service ID: ServNaint7
Network: Sepolia Testnet
Description: This is an example service configured for the Sepolia Testnet.

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v18 or higher)


  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the directory:
git clone
cd Web-JS-SDK-Boilerplate
  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env and update the values as necessary:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Install the required dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the development server:
npm start

Environment Variables

The project requires certain environment variables to be set in the .env file. Below is a list of the required variables and their descriptions:

Variable Name Description Where to Get It
REACT_APP_ENV Specifies the environment (development or production). Set this manually.
REACT_APP_ALCHEMY_API_KEY API key for accessing Alchemy services. Alchemy API Keys
REACT_APP_PARTICLE_AUTH_PROJECT_ID Project ID for Particle authentication. Particle Network
REACT_APP_PARTICLE_AUTH_CLIENT_KEY Client key for Particle authentication. Particle Network
REACT_APP_PARTICLE_AUTH_APP_ID Application ID for Particle authentication. Particle Network
REACT_APP_NETWORK Specifies the blockchain network to connect to (mainnet or sepolia). Set this manually.
REACT_APP_INFURA_PROJECT_ID Project ID for accessing Infura services. Infura
REACT_APP_WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID Project ID for Wallet Connect integration. Wallet Connect

Configuring Service

The components that interact with the service are located in src/pages/ExampleService. The app automatically chooses which service to display based on the REACT_APP_NETWORK selected:

  • For sepolia, it uses TestExampleService.
  • For mainnet, it uses ExampleService.

To configure the project to work with your service, you need to specify the orgId and serviceId in the src/config/service.ts file. There are two configurations: one for mainnet and one for sepolia testnet.

  1. Open the src/config/service.ts file.
  2. Update the orgId and serviceId values to match your desired SingularityNET service.
    orgId: "your-organization-id",
    serviceId: "your-service-id"

ExampleService Component

The ExampleService/TestExampleService component provides a user interface for interacting with your service on the Mainnet/Sepolia network. Below is a description of its main functions and how to use them.

UI Components

  • Textarea: The Textarea component is used to capture user input.
  • ActionButton: The ActionButton component is a custom button used to trigger the service call. It displays the cost of the service and shows a loading indicator when the user call process is in progress.
  • DebugConsole: The DebugConsole component is used to display debugging information when the application is in development mode. It is conditionally rendered based on the REACT_APP_ENV flag from the .env.


  • newChat: Adds a new chat message to the conversation, either from the user or the bot.
    Usage example:
    newChat("user", "This is a user's message.");
    newChat("bot", "This is a bot's response.");
  • runService: Sends a request to the text service with the user-provided text and handles the response. If the service returns a response successfully, it adds the response as a bot message in the chat.
    Ensure you replace the service call and response handling in the runService function with the appropriate calls to your own service as defined in the protobuf files.

How to Use

  1. Entering Text: In the text area provided, users can enter the text they wish to send to service. By default, there is a sample input text provided.
  2. Sending request: After entering the text, users can click the ActionButton button. This will add the message to chat by newChat function and send the text to the service by runService function.
  3. Viewing Responses: The responses from the service will be displayed in the chat area by newChat function. User messages will be distinguished from bot responses.

The component also displays the organization and service name configured in the src/config/service.ts.

Generating JavaScript Files for Your Services

You will need to compile the .proto files from your service to JavaScript files and place them in the src/ExampleService/assets folder. After that, you can call functions from the generated js files in the service component, as it is done now in ExampleService

    import { example } from "./assets/mainnet/summary_pb_service";
    await clientSDK.unary(example.TextSummary.summary, invokeOptions);

Apart from the steps mentioned at the official documentation to generate js stubs from .proto definitions, you also need to provide the namespace_prefix flag to the generator. Here is an example which illustrates the usage:

For Linux

protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-ts=./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts \
[package name]_[org id]_[service]:. --ts_out=service=grpc-web:. \
[proto file name].proto

For Windows CMD

protoc ^
--plugin=protoc-gen-ts=%cd%/node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts.cmd ^ --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary,namespace_prefix=^
[package name]_[org id]_[service]:. --ts_out=service=grpc-web:. ^
[proto file name].proto


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