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GitHub issues API Wrapper

This is a simple module for simplifying access to the API asynchronously

To assist bot developers, this wrapper doesnt use requests at all. Instead it uses aiohttp and coroutines.

If you arent coding asynchronously, simply use these lines when importing this api:

import asyncio
import rule34
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
rule34 = rule34.Rule34(loop)

and then when calling the wrapper, use data = loop.run_until_complete(rule34.getImageURLS("SearchQuery")). An update is coming to simplify this

How do i install this?

From Pypi:

pip install rule34

From github

pip install --upgrade

Want to help improve the wrapper?

Sure! Just make a pull request ^-^

If your change improves how the wrapper works, ill merge it!

I advise you dont modify .travis.yml or the function selfTest, because theyre used by travis-ci and modifying them may cause the build to fail when testing

What to do if it stops working

  1. Scream and panic at your lost porn
  2. Breathe
  3. Make an issue on github, and be as detailed as possible (screenshots and tracebacks help a lot)

How do i use it?

Each function has a docstring that explains what it is, and what arguments it needs, ill go over them simply here

  • urlGen(tags, limit, id, PID, deleted)
    • Generates a URL based on arguments which is used to obtain an XML document
Argument Purpose Usage Type
tags A search term urlGen(tags="furry") str/int
limit A limit of how many posts you want urlGen([args],limit=100) str/int
id An Id of the post urlGen(id=12312) str/int
PID Page number of the search urlGen([args],PID=2 str/int
deleted Adds deleted posts to your search urlGen(deleted=True bool
  • totalImages(tags)
    • returns an int of how many posts match a tag
Argument Purpose Usage Type
tags A search term totalImages("furry") str
  • getImageURLS(tags)
    • returns a list of urls for every post's image/webm/gif
Argument Purpose Usage Type
tags A search term getImageURLS(tags) str
fuzzy Toggles fuzzy searching `getImageURLS(fuzzy=True) bool
  • getPostData(PostID)
    • returns a dictionary of information about a post
Argument Purpose Usage Type
PostID The ID of a post getPostData(12345) str/int


A python rule34 API wrapper






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