git clone
nix-env -f nix-editor -i nix-editor
nix profile install github:snowfallorg/nix-editor
nix run github:snowfallorg/nix-editor -- --help
Usage: nix-editor [OPTIONS] <FILE> <ATTRIBUTE>
<FILE> Configuration file to read
<ATTRIBUTE> Nix configuration option arribute
-v, --val <VAL> Value to write
-a, --arr <ARR> Element to add
-d, --deref Dereference the value of the attribute
-i, --inplace Edit the file in-place
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output file for modified config or read value
-r, --raw Prints console output without newlines or trimmed output
-f, --format Formats output using nixpkgs-fmt. Helps when writing new values
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version