Error is printed if web-reboot is executed on a testbed where peer side is not a SONiC device (e.g. vEOS or cEOS):
admin@sonic:~$ sudo warm-reboot
ERROR: There are port channels/peer devices that failed the probe: ['PortChannel101', 'PortChannel102', 'PortChannel103', 'PortChannel104']
Error message was printed by
script which is executed by warm-reboot script
It tries to probe port-channels on SONiC peer device by sending LACP packets and expecting certain packet in return.
Mentioned error can be observed if, for example, peer device is not SONiC or SONiC installed on peer does not support "teams retry count" mechanism.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- Run warm-reboot command on a testbed with T0 topology and non SONiC VMs on a peer side
Describe the results you received:
Error is printed if web-reboot is executed and peer side is not a SONiC device (e.g. vEOS or cEOS):
admin@sonic:~$ sudo warm-reboot
ERROR: There are port channels/peer devices that failed the probe: ['PortChannel101', 'PortChannel102', 'PortChannel103', 'PortChannel104']
Describe the results you expected:
No error during warm-reboot execution.
If peer side is not a SONiC device, which means it doesn't support "teamd_increase_retry_count" mechanism then:
- Warning should be printed instead of error
- And printed message should be more informative, so user can understand that peers side is not a SONiC device