A gin wrappers for a i18n-go package
Basic usage a gin middleware for processing HTTP's requests
package pack
import (
translation_gin "github.com/spacetab-io/i18n-gin-go/translation"
var (
// a configuration of default properties of translation context
// it could be loaded from json or yaml configuration file
Conf = translation.Conf{
Display: "ru",
Fallback: "en",
Second: "en",
TranslationList: false,
// A model definition
type Record struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Name translation.String `json:"name"`
func (o *Record) ApplyTranslationCtx(ctx translation.Context) {
// A router definition
func Router() http.Handler {
router := gin.New()
router.GET("/record", Handler)
return router
// A handler of an http request
func Handler(c *gin.Context) {
rec := &Record{
Id: 10,
Name: translation.String {
Translate: map[string]string {
"en": "Hello world!",
"ru": "Здравствуй мир!",
rec.ApplyTranslationCtx(translation_gin.ContextFromGin(&Conf, c))
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, rec)