OpenStereo is an open source, cross-platform software for structural geology analysis.
The software is written in Python, a high-level, cross-platform programming language and the GUI is designed with Qt5, which provide a native look on all OS. Numeric operations (like matrix and linear algebra) are performed with the Numpy module and all graphic capabilities are provided by the Matplolib library, including on-screen plotting and graphic exporting to common desktop formats (emf, eps, ps, pdf, png, svg).
OpenStereo is released under the GNU General Public License v.3.
Check the documentation here:
Download the installer .exe from the latest release:
When updating, please uninstall the previous version before installing the new.
Downloader the .app executable from the latest release:
On the first time executing a new download of OpenStereo, right click the .app file
select Open
from the context menu and click open on the window that will appear.
Alternativelly, you can install OpenStereo from source by first installing pyqt5 (python3 will be installed as well for this) using homebrew:
$ brew install pyqt
Once that is done, install OpenStereo from this repository using pip3:
$ pip3 install
First install pyqt5 and pip:
$ sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 python3-pip
Once that is done, install OpenStereo from this repository using pip3:
$ pip3 install
First install pyqt5, pip and setuptools from the distribution repository:
$ sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 python3-pip python3-setuptools
Then install wheel using pip:
$ pip3 install wheel
Once that is done, install OpenStereo from this repository using pip3:
$ pip3 install
First install pyqt5:
$ sudo yum install python3-qt5
Once that is done, install OpenStereo from this repository using pip3:
$ sudo pip3 install
First install pyqt5:
$ sudo zypper install python3-qt5
Once that is done, install OpenStereo from this repository using pip3:
$ sudo pip3 install
You can install this version of openstereo using:
$ pip install
Additionally, install PyQt5 from PyPI (for python 2.7, use package python-qt5 instead).
Then run with
$ openstereo
$ python -m openstereo