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A simple to use GUI for updating the firmware on SparkFun RTK products.


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SparkFun RTK Firmware Uploader

RTK Uploader

The RTK Firmware Uploader is a simple, easy to use method for updating the firmware on SparkFun RTK products. Available on all major platforms, as well as a Python package, the Uploader simplifies working with SparkFun RTK products.



From v1.6.0, this GUI does not contain a copy of Instead the latest is installed and used by the build workflow. If you want to run locally, you will need to pip install esptool first. v1.7.0 of the GUI was written for and tested with v4.8.1 of esptool.

Using the RTK Firmware Uploader

Upload Firmware

  • Attach the RTK product over USB
  • Click the COM Port combo box and select the correct COM port from the dropdown menu

Select COM Port

Select Firmware

  • Click the Upload Firmware button to update the firmware

The selected firmware is then uploaded to the connected SparkFun RTK product. Upload information and progress are displayed in the output portion of the interface.

Firmware Upload


From version 1.6.1, the Extras pull-down menu contains options to: read the ESP32 WiFi MAC address; reset the ESP32; erase the ESP32.

Reset ESP32

Clicking the Reset ESP32 button will reset the ESP32 processor. This is helpful when the firmware update succeeds but does not reset the RTK correctly. If your RTK 'freezes' after the update, pressing Reset ESP32 will get it going again.

Reset ESP32

Erase Flash

Clicking the Erase Flash button will completely erase the ESP32 flash memory - including the LittleFS file system. This can be useful if you need to completely reset the firmware settings.

Erase Flash


Installation binaries are available for all major platforms (macOS, Window, and Linux) on the release page of the RTK Uploader GitHub repository:

RTK Uploader Release Page

Click the arrow next to Assets if required to see the installers:

Releases Assets


Windows Installation Step 1

  • Right-click the and select "Extract All" to unzip it

Windows Installation Step 2

  • This results in the application executable, RTKUploader.exe

Windows Installation Step 3

  • Double-click RTKUploader.exe to start the application
  • The executable isn't signed, so you will see a Windows protected your PC warning

Windows Installation Step 4

  • Click More info and Run anyway to run the executable

Windows Installation Step 5


Install the CH340 USB drivers

Before you begin, check you have drivers for the CH340 USB interface chip installed:

  • Full instructions can be found in our CH340 Tutorial
  • Here is a link to the WCH downloads page for the CH340 / CH341 macOS driver
  • The Zip file contains more instructions: CH34X_DRV_INSTAL_INSTRUCTIONS.pdf

Download and install the RTK Uploader

To download and install the RTK Uploader:

macOS Installation Step 1

  • Click on the Downloads icon, then double-click the RTKUploader.dmg file to mount the disk image

macOS Installation Step 2

  • A Finder window, with the contents of the file will open

macOS Installation Step 3

  • Install the by dragging it onto the Applications folder

macOS Installation Step 4

  • Unmount the RTKUploader disk image by opening Finder and ejecting it

macOS Installation Step 5

Launch the RTK Uploader application

To launch the RTK Uploader application:

  • Double-click to launch the application

macOS Installation Step 6

  • The isn't signed, so macOS won't run the application, and will display a warning dialog. Click Done

macOS Installation Step 7

  • To approve app execution bring up the macOS System Settings and navigate to Privacy & Security
  • On this page, select the Open Anyway button to launch the RTKUploader application

macOS Installation Step 8

  • Once selected, macOS will present one last dialog. Select Open Anyway to run the application

macOS Installation Step 9

  • Enter your password and click OK. The RTKUploader will now start

macOS Installation Step 10

  • Select the Firmware File using the Browse button. Select the WCH cu.wchusbserial port. Ignore the tty.wchusbserial port

macOS Installation Step 11

macOS Upload


  • Download the github release file - RTKUploader.linux.gz
  • Un-gzip the file, either by double-clicking in on the desktop, or using the gunzip command in a terminal window. This results in the file RTKUploader
  • To run the application, the file must have execute permission. This is performed by selecting Properties from the file right-click menu, and then selecting permissions. You can also change permissions using the chmod command in a terminal window
  • Once the application has execute permission, you can start the application a terminal window. Change directory's to the application location and issue ./RTKUploader
  • You may need to install drivers for the CH340 USB interface chip. Full instructions can be found in our CH340 Tutorial

Python Package

The RTK Firmware Uploader is also provided as an installable Python package. This is advantageous for platforms that lack a pre-compiled application.

To install the Python package:

  • Download the package file -
  • Unzip the github release file. This results in the installable Python package file - RTK_Firmware_Uploader-1.6.0.tar.gz (note - the version number might vary)

At a command line - issue the package install command:

  • pip install RTK_Firmware_Uploader-1.6.0.tar.gz
  • Once installed, you can start the RTK Uploader App by issuing the command ./RTK_Formware_Upload at the command line. (To see the command, you might need to start a new terminal, or issue a command like rehash depending on your platform/shell)


  • A path might be needed to specify the install file location.
  • Depending on your platform, this command might need to be run as admin/root
  • Depending on your system, you might need to use the command pip3

Raspberry Pi

We've tested the Uploader on both 32-bit and 64-bit Raspberry Pi Debian. You will need to use the Python Package to install it.


  • On 32-bit Raspberry Pi, with both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, use sudo pip3 install RTK_Firmware_Uploader-1.6.0.tar.gz
    • By default, the executable will be placed in /usr/local/bin
  • On 64-bit Raspberry Pi, use sudo pip install RTK_Firmware_Uploader-1.6.0.tar.gz
  • The sudo is required to let install python3-pyqt5 and python3-pyqt5.qtserialport using sudo apt-get install

Raspberry Pi 64-bit : Install

Raspberry Pi 64-bit : Install