Hi everyone, I just bought recently a pair of weather shields to build weather stations and I wanted to try them today. I have installed the necessary libraries (Si7021, MPL3115A2 and Weather Meter Kit) but when I try to either simply verify or upload the Weather Shield firmware example, I get a compiling issue which says basically the following :
error: 'Weather' does not name a type
error: 'myHumidity' was not declared in this scope
It's depending of the line 26 of the .ino code, which is :
Weather myHumidity;//Create an instance of the humidity sensor
It seems pretty strange as all libraries are properly installed, and I did not change any single line of the code. I also didn't see any trace of that issue anywhere of the web, so I don't really know what to do. Can someone help me with that please ? Thanks and have a nice day !