RankSEG is a Python module designed for segmentation tasks, aiming to maximize Dice or IoU metrics based on estimated probabilities.
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/statmlben/rankseg
- Slides: https://slides.com/statmlben/rankseg
- Paper: JMLR-v24-22-0712
- Poster: ICML2024
Most segmentation methods traditionally rely on IoU and Dice as evaluation metrics. During inference and prediction, these methods typically use a threshold
of 0.5 or apply argmax
to the estimated probabilities to generate segmentation predictions. However, this approach does not directly optimize the IoU or Dice metrics.
Our method, RankDice
, directly optimizes IoU and Dice metrics.
- Nearly ensures improved Dice and IoU performance!
- Seamlessly integrates with any pretrained segmentation neural network (no need to retrain the models).
- A well-developed Python function rank_dice is available for use.
git clone https://github.com/statmlben/rankseg.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
## `out_prob` (batch_size, num_class, width, height) is the output probability for each pixel based on a trained neural network
from rankseg import rank_dice
predict_rd, tau_rd, cutpoint_rd = rank_dice(out_prob, app=2, device='cuda')
## `out_prob` (batch_size, num_class, width, height) is the output probability for each pixel based on a trained neural network
## Threshold
predict_T = torch.where(out_prob > .5, True, False)
## Argmax
idx = torch.argmax(out_prob.data, dim=1, keepdims=True)
predict_max = torch.zeros_like(out_prob.data, dtype=bool).scatter_(1, idx, True)
## rankdice
$ python test.py -r saved/cityscapes/PSPNet/CrossEntropyLoss2d/T/05-04_13-08/checkpoint-epoch300.pth -p "rankdice"
TEST, Pred (rankdice) | Loss: 0.159, PixelAcc: 0.99, Mean IoU: 0.51, Mean Dice 0.59 |: 100%|██████| 84/84 [01:03<00:00, 1.33it/s]
## TESTING Restuls for Model: PSPNet + Loss: CrossEntropyLoss2d + predict: rankdice ##
test_loss : 0.15925
Pixel_Accuracy : 0.9879999756813049
Mean_IoU : 0.5099999904632568
Mean_Dice : 0.5929999947547913
Class_IoU : {0: 0.771, 1: 0.508, 2: 0.767, 3: 0.164, 4: 0.117, 5: 0.317, 6: 0.283, 7: 0.401, 8: 0.841, 9: 0.231, 10: 0.778, 11: 0.4, 12: 0.292, 13: 0.766, 14: 0.233, 15: 0.465, 16: 0.315, 17: 0.177, 18: 0.326}
Class_Dice : {0: 0.856, 1: 0.608, 2: 0.851, 3: 0.21, 4: 0.158, 5: 0.46, 6: 0.374, 7: 0.514, 8: 0.903, 9: 0.294, 10: 0.845, 11: 0.495, 12: 0.372, 13: 0.84, 14: 0.265, 15: 0.513, 16: 0.358, 17: 0.222, 18: 0.419}
## max
$ python test.py -r saved/cityscapes/PSPNet/CrossEntropyLoss2d/T/05-04_13-08/checkpoint-epoch300.pth -p "max"
TEST, Pred (max) | Loss: 0.159, PixelAcc: 0.99, Mean IoU: 0.49, Mean Dice 0.56 |: 100%|███████████| 84/84 [00:12<00:00, 6.52it/s]
## TESTING Restuls for Model: PSPNet + Loss: CrossEntropyLoss2d + predict: max ##
test_loss : 0.15925
Pixel_Accuracy : 0.9879999756813049
Mean_IoU : 0.48500001430511475
Mean_Dice : 0.5649999976158142
Class_IoU : {0: 0.768, 1: 0.489, 2: 0.759, 3: 0.133, 4: 0.099, 5: 0.295, 6: 0.257, 7: 0.387, 8: 0.836, 9: 0.208, 10: 0.769, 11: 0.372, 12: 0.272, 13: 0.751, 14: 0.204, 15: 0.395, 16: 0.268, 17: 0.152, 18: 0.303}
Class_Dice : {0: 0.854, 1: 0.585, 2: 0.844, 3: 0.172, 4: 0.136, 5: 0.428, 6: 0.341, 7: 0.498, 8: 0.9, 9: 0.268, 10: 0.835, 11: 0.464, 12: 0.351, 13: 0.826, 14: 0.233, 15: 0.437, 16: 0.308, 17: 0.193, 18: 0.392}
## threshold at 0.5
$ python test.py -r saved/cityscapes/PSPNet/CrossEntropyLoss2d/T/05-04_13-08/checkpoint-epoch300.pth -p "T"
TEST, Pred (T) | Loss: 0.159, PixelAcc: 0.99, Mean IoU: 0.50, Mean Dice 0.57 |: 100%|█████████████| 84/84 [00:13<00:00, 6.45it/s]
## TESTING Restuls for Model: PSPNet + Loss: CrossEntropyLoss2d + predict: T ##
test_loss : 0.15925
Pixel_Accuracy : 0.9890000224113464
Mean_IoU : 0.4959999918937683
Mean_Dice : 0.574999988079071
Class_IoU : {0: 0.772, 1: 0.478, 2: 0.762, 3: 0.136, 4: 0.109, 5: 0.29, 6: 0.265, 7: 0.39, 8: 0.841, 9: 0.201, 10: 0.77, 11: 0.363, 12: 0.273, 13: 0.769, 14: 0.219, 15: 0.422, 16: 0.307, 17: 0.158, 18: 0.325}
Class_Dice : {0: 0.857, 1: 0.573, 2: 0.846, 3: 0.174, 4: 0.147, 5: 0.419, 6: 0.349, 7: 0.499, 8: 0.902, 9: 0.257, 10: 0.836, 11: 0.451, 12: 0.351, 13: 0.841, 14: 0.247, 15: 0.468, 16: 0.349, 17: 0.197, 18: 0.414}
are performed based on the same network (inModel
column) trained by the same loss (inLoss
column).- Averaged mDice and mIoU metrics based on state-of-the-art models/losses on Fine-annotated CityScapes val set. '/' indicates not applicable since the proposed
requires a strictly proper loss. The best performance in each model/loss is bold-faced. - All trained neural networks and their
with differentnetwork
are saved in this link (12G folder: network/loss/.../*.pth
Model | Loss | Threshold (at 0.5) | Argmax | mRankDice (our) |
(mDice, mIoU) ( |
(mDice, mIoU) ( |
(mDice, mIoU) ( |
DeepLab-V3+ | CE | (56.00, 48.40) | (54.20, 46.60) | (57.80, 49.80) |
(resnet101) | Focal | (54.10, 46.60) | (53.30, 45.60) | (56.50, 48.70) |
BCE | (49.80, 24.90) | (44.20, 22.10) | (54.00, 27.00) | |
Soft-Dice | (39.50, 35.90) | (39.50, 35.90) | / | |
B-Soft-Dice | (41.00, 20.50) | (27.60, 13.80) | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (55.20, 47.60) | (52.30, 45.10) | / | |
PSPNet | CE | (57.50, 49.60) | (56.50, 48.50) | (59.30, 51.00) |
(resnet50) | Focal | (56.00, 48.20) | (55.80, 47.70) | (58.20, 50.00) |
BCE | (51.40, 25.70) | (47.60, 23.80) | (55.10, 27.60) | |
Soft-Dice | (49.10, 43.50) | (48.70, 43.20) | / | |
B-Soft-Dice | (46.30, 23.10) | (32.70, 16.40) | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (56.80, 48.90) | (55.40, 47.70) | / | |
FCN8 | CE | (51.40, 43.70) | (50.50, 42.60) | (53.50, 45.30) |
(resnet101) | Focal | (48.50, 41.20) | (49.60, 41.60) | (51.50, 43.70) |
BCE | (39.40, 19.70) | (39.40, 19.70) | (41.30, 20.60) | |
Soft-Dice | (28.30, 24.30) | (28.30, 24.30) | / | |
B-Soft-Dice | (29.10, 14.60) | (29.10, 14.60) | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (48.10, 40.40) | (42.90, 35.80) | / |
are performed based on the same network (inModel
column) trained by the same loss (inLoss
column).- Averaged mDice and mIoU based on state-of-the-art models/losses on PASCAL VOC 2012 val set. '---' indicates that either the performance is significantly worse or the training is unstable, and '/' indicates not applicable since the proposed
requires a strictly proper loss. The best performance in each model-loss pair is bold-faced. - All trained neural networks with different
are saved in this link (22G folder: network/loss/.../*.pth)
Model | Loss | Threshold (at 0.5) | Argmax | mRankDice (our) |
(mDice, mIoU) ( |
(mDice, mIoU) ( |
(mDice, mIoU) ( |
DeepLab-V3+ | CE | (63.60, 56.70) | (61.90, 55.30) | (64.01, 57.01) |
(resnet101) | Focal | (62.70, 55.01) | (60.50, 53.20) | (62.90, 55.10) |
BCE | (63.30, 31.70) | (59.90, 29.90) | (64.60, 32.30) | |
Soft-Dice | --- | --- | / | |
B-Soft-Dice | --- | --- | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (57.70, 51.60) | (56.20, 50.30) | / | |
PSPNet | CE | (64.60, 57.10) | (63.20, 55.90) | (65.40, 57.80) |
(resnet50) | Focal | (64.00, 56.10) | (63.90, 56.10) | (66.60, 58.50) |
BCE | (64.20, 32.10) | (65.20, 32.60) | (67.10, 33.50) | |
Soft-Dice | (59.60, 54.00) | (58.80, 53.20) | / | |
B-Soft-Dice | (63.30, 31.60) | (54.00. 27.00) | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (62.00, 55.20) | (60.80, 54.10) | / | |
FCN8 | CE | (49.50, 41.90) | (45.30, 38.40) | (50.40, 42.70) |
(resnet101) | Focal | (50.40, 41.80) | (47.20, 39.30) | (51.50, 42.50) |
BCE | (46.20, 23.10) | (44.20, 22.10) | (47.70, 23.80) | |
Soft-Dice | --- | --- | / | |
B-Soft-Dice | --- | --- | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (39.80, 34.30) | (37.30, 32.20) | / |
are performed based on the same network (inModel
column) trained by the same loss (inLoss
are exactly the same in binary segmentation.- Averaged mDice and mIoU based on state-of-the-art models/losses on Kvasir-SEG dataset set. '---' indicates that either the performance is significantly worse or the training is unstable, and '/' indicates not applicable since the proposed
requires a strictly proper loss. The best performance in each model-loss pair is bold-faced.
Model | Loss | Threshold/Argmax | mRankDice (our) |
(Dice, IoU) ( |
(Dice, IoU) ( |
DeepLab-V3+ | CE | (87.9, 80.7) | (88.3, 80.9) |
(resnet101) | Focal | (86.5, 87.3) | / |
Soft-Dice | (85.7, 77.8) | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (84.3, 77.3) | / | |
PSPNet | CE | (86.3, 79.2) | (87.1, 79.8) |
(resnet50) | Focal | (83.8, 75.4) | / |
Soft-Dice | (83.5, 75.9) | / | |
LovaszSoftmax | (86.0, 79.2) | / | |
FCN8 | CE | (81.9, 73.5) | (82.1, 73.6) |
(resnet101) | Focal | (78.5, 69.0) | / |
Soft-Dice | --- | --- | |
LovaszSoftmax | (82.0, 73.4) | / |
- All empirical results on different losses and models can be found here
If you want to replicate the experiments in our papers, please check the folder ./pytorch-segmentation-rankseg
and its README file Pytorch-segmentation-rankseg
If you like RankSEG
please star 🌟 the repository and cite the following paper:
title={RankSEG: A Consistent Ranking-based Framework for Segmentation},
author={Dai, Ben and Li, Chunlin},
journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research},
- develop a scalable
with non-overlapping segmentation - debug for
torch.backends.cudnn.flags(enabled=False, deterministic=True, benchmark=True)
- CUDA code to speed up the implementation based on