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Add omitempty to JSON field tags on optional fields #1937



Describe the bug

When my API receives a webhook request from Stripe via the CLI, I got the error expected required property account to be present and the location attribute is: body. After I created a manual request with the same body and added the attribute account (which is an empty string) I got the same error for the attribute: previous_attributes at the location. After adding this element as well, it worked.

I checked the stripe docs and saw that the account attribute is a nullable string. The previous_attributes is a nullable map. However, the stripe-go-sdk regard these attributes as required attributes and not as optional.

Consider this pull request: #1936

To Reproduce

  1. Create a simple Go API which tries binding the request body to stripe.Event. Consider that if you
  2. Forward Stripe webhook events to your local device (stripe listen --forward-to localhost:8081/webhook)
  3. Create an event (I created a payment via the UI, which had a valid customer)

Check out this repository (m-mattia-m/stripe-go-event-bug-report) for a working example and all the request and response details (cURL, JSON, ...).

Expected behavior

I expect that I can use the stripe.Event object to bind the JSON and it works fine. It should also be able to handle optional attributes like account or previous_attributes.

Code snippets

package main

import (

type StripeWebhookEventRequest struct {
	Body stripe.Event `json:"body" bson:"body"`

func main() {

	router := gin.New()
	humaConfig := huma.DefaultConfig("Stripe Webhook example", "1.0.0")
	humaConfig.Servers = []*huma.Server{
		{URL: "http://localhost:8080"},
	api := humagin.New(router, humaConfig)

	huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
		Method:      http.MethodPost,
		OperationID: "receive-stripe-webhook",
		Summary:     "Receive stripe webhook",
		Description: "Receives stripe webhook events.",
		Path:        "/webhook",
	}, GetColumnSchema())

	err := router.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {


func GetColumnSchema() func(c context.Context, input *StripeWebhookEventRequest) (*StripeWebhookEventRequest, error) {
	return func(c context.Context, input *StripeWebhookEventRequest) (*StripeWebhookEventRequest, error) {
		fmt.Println("---------- [ Successfully received Stripe event ] ----------")

		return nil, nil


macOS 15.0.1

Go version

Go 1.21

stripe-go version


API version


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