On our native iOS App, we trigger Stripe Payment actions using
STPPaymentHandler.shared().handleNextAction(forPayment: paymentIntentClientSecret, with: authenticationContext, returnURL: returnURL, completion: completion)
When trying to pay with card 4000002500003155, the result is a .threeDS2Redirect with a fallback URL from APIRequest<STP3DS2AuthenticateResponse>
The return URL is registered in Info.plist and tested. It is passed along successfully to APIRequest<STP3DS2AuthenticateResponse>
on if let returnURLString = returnURLString { params["fallback_return_url"] = returnURLString }
But still, when the SafariWebView opens, and we authenticate, the Webview never closes and the text "You may now close this window" sits there.
Another successful test that the returnUrl works, is that I opened regular Safari while having the in-app safari webview from Stripe opened, once I executed "myapp://stripe-payment", the App opened and the line StripeAPI.handleURLCallback(with: url)
from AppDelegate kicked in.
Code to reproduce
I posted most of the snippets above, but the App triggers Stripe using
STPPaymentHandler.shared().handleNextAction(forPayment: paymentIntentClientSecret, with: authenticationContext, returnURL: returnURL, completion: completion)
with a valid intent + valid returnURL
iOS version
iOS 18
Installation method
SDK version