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Releases: swiss-seismological-service/scdetect


05 Mar 11:24
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This is a minor version upgrade that contains compilation fixes to accommodate the SeisComP API changes introduced in version 17.0.0 for the soon to be released SeisComP v7.

Also the proper version is now reported when running scdetect --version (e.g. 1.1.7).


26 May 08:25
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This is a minor version upgrade that contains a bug fix introduced in the previous release.


  • arrivals, magnitudes, station magnitudes and origin comments are not properly sent to the messaging system and thus are not stored into the database (and thus not even visible on scolv)


20 Apr 15:36
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This is a minor version upgrade that contains small improvements over the previous release.

Features and Changes:

  • Compute arrival distance and azimuth. This is to avoid that scamp and scmag crash after throwing the exception: Arrival.distance is not set, returning. To be clear, scdetect comes with its own magnitude computation and it doesn't need scamp/scmag. However its default primaryGroup is LOCATION, which means its origins are detected by scamp and scmag with their consequent crash - unless the user change scdetect primary group to something else.
  • Reduce the number of generated messages on detection: notifier messages are not generated anymore for each Origin child (arrivals, magnitudes, station magnitudes, station magnitude contributions and comments). Only one notifier containing the Origin is now sent. That is consistent with the other module behaviour.


01 Mar 14:18
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This is a minor version upgrade that contains small improvements over the previous release.

Features and Changes:

  • A configuration parameter is added (eventDB) that allows to specifies a SCML file to load the template event data from. This is similar to the command line option --event-db
  • scdetect now fails if the templates cannot be properly and fully loaded. The reason is that the user would hardly look at the log files if scdetect doesn't stop in this scenario and they would be unaware that something wrong happended.


  • The default value of the configuration parameter templatesJSON is not applied (@ROOTDIR@/etc/scdetect-cc/templates.json) and scdetect fails to find the teamplates configuration even though the file is there


24 Feb 13:21
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This is a bugfix release.


  • the template waveforms cached to disk have a limit on the file size. Normally this is not an issue, but it is in certain scenarios, e.g. high frequency data requires big files even with short template waveform windows


23 Dec 14:36
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Features and Changes:

  • Set CreationInfo data (author, agency and creation date) in the picks created by scdetect


30 Aug 21:54
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This is a bugfix release, fixing several detection related bugs.


  • Fix phase association. Correctly create mask. (#126)
  • Fix detector triggering issue. (#131)
  • Correctly evaluate triggerDuration. (#131)


  • Summarize results for offline playback tutorial examples.
  • Fix some URLs in offline playback example (#124). Thanks to @funkes for the help.


18 Jul 08:27
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Features and Changes:

  • Fix MLx amplitude implementation (#119)
  • Cover MLx magnitude estimation (integration tests) (#110)


24 Jun 14:45
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Features and Changes:

  • Load integration test dataset configuration from files (#109)
  • Improve phase association (#111)


  • Provide background information regarding detection and phase association


24 May 12:17
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Initial release.