Technical Steering Committee of @numfocus
@scipy-conference tutorial chairperson
Hi! My name is Tetsuo Koyama. I'm a AI engineer in Japan. I'm interested in scientific computing and visualization with computer graphics. I am on the developer team of PyVista. I also contribute to the development of GetFEM.
- PyVista: 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
- GetFEM: Open source library of Finite Element Method
- pyOpenSci scientific Python Packaging Guide
We provide PyVista tutorials in SciPy2022, SciPy2023 and SciPy2024. I am a main contributor to the repository used for the tutorials.
I am as passionate about translating open-source Japanese documentation as I am about open-source development. I am the only member of the following documentation Japanese translation project, but it is open to other contributors. I am aims to help people like me who have a handicap in English to access our library.
I also wrote Scientific Python programming books using GetFEM and PyVista and wrote about the community in technical magazines.
As a speaker, my talk at PyConJP 2019 was featured in a web magazine article as a session to watch.
注目セッション「Introduction to FEM Analysis with Python」― Tetsuo Koyama
Tetsuo Koyama's Google Scholar.
I am a guest of terapyon channel podcast.