Simple starter webpack 5 project template supporting SASS/PostCSS, Babel ES7, browser syncing, code linting. Easy project setup having multiple features and developer friendly tools.
Feb 17, 2025 - HTML
🐠 Babel is a compiler created by Sebastian McKenzie in 2014 to convert ES6 to ES5 (originally called 6to5). It has since become a toolchain that enables developers to write any next generation JavaScript and serves as a testing ground for proposals from TC39, the technical committee that specifies ECMAScript. Babel can also convert JSX syntax and strip out type annotations from both Flow and TypeScript. Babel is built out of plugins. Compose your own transformation pipeline using plugins written by the community or write your own.
Simple starter webpack 5 project template supporting SASS/PostCSS, Babel ES7, browser syncing, code linting. Easy project setup having multiple features and developer friendly tools.
Javascript Minimal Starter Boilerplate - Webpack 5 🚀, Babel 7, UMD, Unit Testing
Modern, Simple and beautiful Hugo theme
Develop, build, deploy, redeploy, and teardown frontend projects fast.
ReactJS 16.11 + new React Context API +react Router 4 + webpack 4 + babel 7+ hot Reload + Bootstrap 4 + styled-components
Front-end Boilerplate | Gulp 4 + Webpack 4 + Babel + ITCSS Architecture + BEM Methodology + Twig.js
🚀 📚 Some examples to test the Svelte Framework
💥 Full-fledged CLI tool to generate and package node modules compliant with Browser and NodeJS. Packer CLI support all modern style, unit test and script transpiler tools
Tailwind 3 CSS + Gulp 4 + Webpack 4 + Handlebars + Babel + BrowserSync + Netlify CLI + Netlify Functions. Speed up your development with a complete and scalable gulpjs based build system that scaffolds the project for you.
react-v16 react-router-v4 redux webpack
React 中的坑
Starter for Flask apps using parcel-bundler for bundling.
🍽 Skeleton for Brunch for a long-scroll, single, static Web page
Oh boy, this skeleton project is dedicated to CDN fans around the world.
Svelte un nuevo framework de JavaScript para construir interfaces de usuario.
Chinese etymology research website. ASP.NET Core architecture for SPA. See or
Created by Sebastian McKenzie, James Kyle, Henry Zhu, Logan Smyth, Daniel Tschinder
Released September 28, 2014