This pkg receives sensor_msgs::Joy messages. Plugins can be loaded that react to this messages. For example the drive message waits for joystick movements and sends cmd_vel commands to the robot.
Several Configs can be defined that map button and axis buttons to the corresponding plugin functionalities. The active configuration can be dynamicylly changed by holding the CONFIG_SWITCH_BUTTON and pressing another button. The Mapping between buttons and config files is defined in yaml file of the following format.
0: # Button A
config: "driving"
1: # Button B
config: "manipulation"
Each button maps to one config file that must be placed in the config folder of the hector_gamepad_manager pkg. The config file must be of the following format.
0: # Left joystick left/right
plugin: "hector_gamepad_manager_plugins::DrivePlugin"
function: "steer"
1: # Left joystick up/down
plugin: "hector_gamepad_manager_plugins::DrivePlugin"
function: "drive"
0: # Button A
plugin: "hector_gamepad_manager_plugins::DrivePlugin"
function: "fast"
1: # Button B
plugin: ""
function: ""
All config files are loaded on initialization. Every plugin mentioned in the config files is loaded and initialized.
NOTE: The CONFIG_SWITCH_BUTTON will be ignored in all config files. If it is pressed no config will receive updates. The active plugins are disabled on configuration switches.
When a Joy message is received all plugins in the active config file are called with the corresponding axis/button values. The plugins can then react to the input and send commands to the robot.
The hector_gamepad_manager can be launched with the following command:
ros2 launch hector_gampepad_manager hector_gamepad_manager.launch.yaml
See the hector_gamepad_manager_plugins pkg for available plugins.