Basic Infos
WiFimanager Branch/Release: Development
Hardware: esp01
Core Version: unknown
WifiManager turns on AP for setup
I input settings, push OK
*WM: title: Новые показания {DEVICE_NAME}
*WM: template: ГВС: {V0} м3, ХВС: {V1} м3\r\nдельта:\r\nгвс: +{V3}, хвс: +{V4}\r\nпитание:{V2} В\r\nCMC:\r\nвода добавить: {V0} {V1}
ESP8266 connect to my WiFi failed
I reopen Settings page and write correct WiFi settings
I see incorrect cyrillic encoding...
*WM: title: Новые показания {DEVICE_NAME}
*WM: template: ГВС: {V0} м3, ХВС: {V1} м3\r\nдельта:\r\nгвс: +{V3}, хвс: +{V4}\r\nпитание:{V2} В\r\nCMC:\r\nвода добавить: {V0} {V1}
Settings in IDE
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
upload_port = COM7 ;/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART ; COM6
lib_deps =
[email protected]
Debug Messages
␀l��|␀�l�|␂␌␌␌�␌l�␌b|��␂�␒�r�bl␌b��nn�lnn���␌b␜p␌lb␎lrlp�n�␐␂␌␌�␌l␌��␌␌␌b␌n�|␂l�␌␌�b��nn�␀l��l`␂�␒␒nn␌l`␂␎␂nr���n␌␌b␌�␎l␎r��n␌␌b␌�␎l��l␌���p��l`␂��n�␂000:00:00:00:051 NOTICE (ESP) : Booted
1 000:00:00:00:053 NOTICE (I2C) : mode=1
3 1 D3 B 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000:00:00:00:065 NOTICE (I2C) : data received
000:00:00:00:065 NOTICE (WIF) : crc failed=1236
000:00:00:00:066 NOTICE (WIF) : Init config: IP=, Subnet=, Gw=,
000:00:00:00:075 NOTICE (ESP) : new impulses=4 0
000:00:00:00:079 NOTICE (ESP) : new values=0.00 0.00
000:00:00:00:084 NOTICE (ESP) : I2C-begined: mode SETUP
000:00:00:00:090 NOTICE (WIF) : User requested captive portal
*WM: Added Parameter: ip
*WM: Added Parameter: subnet
*WM: Added Parameter: gw
*WM: Added Parameter: key
*WM: Added Parameter: host
*WM: Added Parameter: email
*WM: Added Parameter: title
*WM: Added Parameter: template
*WM: Added Parameter: value0
*WM: Added Parameter: value1
*WM: Added Parameter: factor
*WM: Disabling STA
*WM: Enabling AP
*WM: StartAP with SSID: Waterius_0.4.1
*WM: AP has anonymous access!
*WM: AP IP address:
*WM: Starting Web Portal
*WM: HTTP server started
*WM: WiFi Scan done
*WM: Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients...
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- HTTP Root
*WM: Scan is cached
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- HTTP Info
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Portal Timeout In 279 seconds
*WM: <- HTTP Wifi
*WM: Scan is cached
*WM: 9 networks found
*WM: DUP AP: newsprin
*WM: AP: -63 a2-tst
*WM: AP: -63 alpha_2
*WM: AP: -72 AlphaGuest
*WM: AP: -74 newsprin
*WM: AP: -84 YOTA-3F7E
*WM: AP: -87 Bunker
*WM: AP: -88 hpsetup
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Portal Timeout In 277 seconds
*WM: <- HTTP WiFi save
*WM: Parameters
*WM: --------------------
*WM: ip:
*WM: subnet:
*WM: gw:
*WM: key: xxxx
*WM: host:
*WM: email: xxxx
*WM: title: Новые показания {DEVICE_NAME}
*WM: template: ГВС: {V0} м3, ХВС: {V1} м3\r\nдельта:\r\nгвс: +{V3}, хвс: +{V4}\r\nпитание:{V2} В\r\nCMC:\r\nвода добавить: {V0} {V1}
*WM: value0: 0.00
*WM: value1: 0.00
*WM: factor: 10
*WM: --------------------
*WM: process connect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet
*WM: [ERROR] wifi config failed
*WM: Connecting to new AP: a2-tst
*WM: connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...
*WM: Connection result: WL_CONNECT_FAILED
*WM: [ERROR] Connect to new AP Failed
*WM: Disabling STA
*WM: Portal Timeout In 280 seconds
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- HTTP Root
*WM: WiFi Scan done
*WM: <- HTTP Wifi
*WM: Scan is cached
*WM: 9 networks found
*WM: DUP AP: newsprin
*WM: AP: -61 a2-tst
*WM: AP: -62 alpha_2
*WM: AP: -73 newsprin
*WM: AP: -75 AlphaGuest
*WM: AP: -91 kaskade-2
*WM: AP: -92 hpsetup
*WM: AP: -92 Office
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: <- Request redirected to captive portal
*WM: Portal Timeout In 280 seconds
*WM: <- HTTP WiFi save
*WM: Parameters
*WM: --------------------
*WM: ip:
*WM: subnet:
*WM: gw:
*WM: key: xxxx
*WM: host:
*WM: email: xxxxx
*WM: title: Новые показания {DEVICE_NAME}
*WM: template: ГВС: {V0} м3, ХВС: {V1} м3\r\nдельта:\r\nгвс: +{V3}, хвс: +{V4}\r\nпитание:{V2} В\r\nCMC:\r\nвода добавить: {V0} {V1}
*WM: value0: 0.00
*WM: value1: 0.00
*WM: factor: 10
*WM: --------------------
*WM: process connect
*WM: Connecting as wifi client...
*WM: Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet
*WM: STA IP set:
*WM: Connecting to saved AP: a2-tst
*WM: 10000 ms connectTimeout set
*WM: 10000 ms timeout, waiting for connect...
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: .
*WM: Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
*WM: Connect to new AP [SUCCESS]
*WM: Got IP Address:
*WM: disconnect configportal
*WM: config portal exiting
000:00:02:22:129 NOTICE (WIF) : Connected to wifi
000:00:02:22:134 NOTICE (DAT) : impulses0_start=data.impulses0=4
000:00:02:22:140 NOTICE (DAT) : impulses1_start=data.impulses1=0
000:00:02:22:185 NOTICE (WIF) : Config stored: IP=, Subnet=, Gw=,
000:00:02:22:186 NOTICE (WIF) : key=xxx
000:00:02:22:192 NOTICE (WIF) : value0_start=0.00, impules0_start=4, factor=10
000:00:02:22:199 NOTICE (WIF) : value1_start=0.00, impules1_start=0
000:00:02:22:206 NOTICE (ESP) : Going to sleep