This is a simple example of a docker volume plugin. This requires a working installation of go to build.
To get and install
go get
To run (on a linux system running docker)
# via the source
go run main.go
# or the binary
If you are working on a Mac, you can use the gox cross compiler to prepare the plugin for a machine running docker.
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get
gox -osarch="linux/amd64"
If cross compiling, you may then wish to copy to a local docker-machine instance and run for testing.
docker-machine scp ./barebones_linux_amd64 <machine name>:~/
docker-machine ssh <machine name>
sudo ./barebones_linux_amd64
Once you have a copy of docker daemon and barebones running, test it with:
docker run -ti -v volumename:/data --volume-driver=barebones busybox sh
touch /data/helloworld
Verify the volume was created and the file exists (on the machine with docker daemon)
ls /tmp/volumename