gopaapi5 is a Go client library for accessing the Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0.
Install package:
go get -u
Here's an example for GetBrowseNodes operation:
package main
import (
const tmpl = `Id: %s
Name: %s
func main() {
// Get Access Key, Secret Key and Associate Tag from the environment variables
accessKey := os.Getenv("PA_ACCESS_KEY")
secretKey := os.Getenv("PA_SECRET_KEY")
associateTag := os.Getenv("PA_ASSOCIATE_TAG")
// Initiate gopaapi5 Client
client, err := gopaapi5.NewClient(accessKey, secretKey, associateTag, api.UnitedStates)
if err != nil {
// Construct request parameters for GetBrowseNodes operation
params := api.GetBrowseNodesParams{
BrowseNodeIds: []string{
Resources: []api.Resource{
LanguagesOfPreference: []api.Language{api.EnglishUnitedStates},
// Call GetBrowseNodes operation
response, err := client.GetBrowseNodes(context.Background(), ¶ms)
if err != nil {
// Loop over browse nodes in response
for _, node := range response.BrowseNodesResult.BrowseNodes {
fmt.Printf(tmpl, node.Id, node.DisplayName)
This client library exposes these operations for Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 (click on links for their examples):
Use SetHttpClient() method of Client struct to set a custom HTTP client.