- A neural algorithm of artistic style
- An Improved Style Transfer Algorithm Using Feedforward Neural Network for Real-Time Image Conversion
- Arbitrary style transfer in real time with adaptive instance norm
- Controlling colors of GAN-Genrated and real images via color histograms
- Demystifying neural style transfer
- Exploring the structure of a real-time, arbitrary neural artistic stylization network
- Instance normalization the missing ingredient for fast stylization
- Learning deep embedding with histogram loss
- Learning linear transformation for fast arbitrary style transfer
- Universal style transform via feature transform
- The AdaIN module have trainable params(EPS) (Better training stability)
- Use pretrained images recovery in the decoder for faster training
- Added histogram loss and variance loss to better guide the model
- Added both the style loss from AdaIN(compare mean and var) and the Gram matrices style loss (VincentStyleLoss)
- Add new augmentations for content and style
- Some of the results above use the alpha value higher than 1 (emphasis on the style)
git clone "https://github.com/vTuanpham/Style_transfer.git"
cd "Style_transfer"
Install dependencies first, this might take awhile..
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Note: Wandb must be the the correct version of 0.13.9 as i only test the artifact logging of this version, newer version yield in error when creating new artifact instance
To train, modify the script in src/scripts/train.sh
bash src/scripts/train.sh
python src/inference.py -cpkt ".pth" --alpha 1 -c "./src/data/eval_dir/content/1.jpg" -s "./src/data/eval_dir/style/1.jpg"
bash src/scripts/inference.sh
- Add better model checkpoint
- Easier inference
- Add docs on all args for training
- Longer training might reduce noise ?
- Output image is a bit less saturate than the style
- Sleep