gust is a simple, thread-safe, generic caching library designed for caching a small number of items. It periodically removes stale items and helps mitigate the thundering herd problem. Note that gust's growth is unbounded, so it is best used for scenarios with a limited number of cache entries.
Below is an example demonstrating how to use gust:
// Application represents a sample application.
type Application struct {
Name string
// Additional fields can be added here.
// fetchApplication simulates fetching an application from a data source.
func fetchApplication(key string) *Application {
log.Printf("Fetching application for key: %s", key)
// Simulate data retrieval, e.g., from a database.
return &Application{Name: "Application " + key}
// Initialize gust with a fetcher function and a TTL of 2 minutes.
// Here, we use string as the key type and *Application as the value type.
cache := gust.New(fetcher, time.Minute*1)
// Retrieve an item from the cache. If it does not exist or is expired,
// the fetcher function will be invoked.
item := cache.Get("item")
- Items in the cache have a TTL of 1 minutes (60 seconds).
- There is an additional 20-second grace period during which an expired item may still be returned.
- This means the effective TTL is between 60 and 80 seconds.
- Even if multiple goroutines concurrently call
on an item within this grace period, only one call to the fetcher function will occur.
Get(key K) V - Retrieves the value associated with the given key. If the item is not present or has expired (beyond the grace window), it is fetched using the fetcher function.
Set(key K, value V) - Manually sets a value in the cache.
Replace(key K, value V) - Replaces an existing value and extends its TTL. If the key does not exist, the operation is a no-op.
Delete(key K) - Removes an item from the cache.
Clear() - Removes all items from the cache.
gust is ideal for scenarios where a small number of items need to be cached with built-in expiration and concurrency support. Its design minimizes the impact of cache misses by ensuring that multiple concurrent requests for the same key during the grace period result in only a single fetch operation.