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Question re: adding extra dictionaries #26



node 12.10.x
nspell 2.1.2

I'm not sure if this is a bug or my misinterpretation of the documentation.

Adding extra dictionaries via

new nspell([{aff: mainaff_buff, dic: maindic_buff}, {dic: extradic_buff}]), or
nspell_instance.dictionary(<extradic_buff>), or

appears to cause all inputs to be considered correct by .correct and .suggest

I do see that the nspell_instance object contains all of the words from both maindic and extradic as well as all of the affix information, but it does not seem to be used 😕

However, using .personal to add extra words does work as expected and testing with both maindic and the extra words produces correct .correct and .suggest outputs.

I'm not sure if I am missing something in the documentation or if this is an issue. I am using the dictionary-en package to load the main aff & dic, and the extra dictionaries are plain word lists in utf-8 loaded into a buffer.

Steps to reproduce:

A. baseline, single dictionary

const maindic = require('dictionary-en')
const nspell = new NSpell(maindic)

nspell.correct('ultrasonogram') // => false; OK b/c not in dictionary
nspell.correct('ultrasongram') // => false; OK
nspell.correct('feleing') // => false; 👍 

nspell.suggest('ultrasonogram') // => [ ]; OK
nspell.suggest('ultrasongram') // => [ ]; OK
nspell.suggest('feleing') // => ['feeling', 'fleeing', ...]; 👍 

B. add words via .dictionary (same behavior if it's another buffer passed in to constructor)

const maindic = require('dictionary-en')
const nspell = new NSpell(maindic)

nspell.correct('ultrasonogram') // => true
nspell.correct('ultrasongram') // => true; 👎 
nspell.correct('feleing') // => true; 👎 

nspell.suggest('ultrasonogram') // => []
nspell.suggest('ultrasongram') // => []
nspell.suggest('feleing') // => []

C. add words via .personal

const maindic = require('dictionary-en')
const nspell = new NSpell(maindic)

nspell.correct('ultrasonogram') // => true
nspell.correct('ultrasongram') // => false
nspell.correct('feleing') // => false

nspell.suggest('ultrasonogram') // => []
nspell.suggest('ultrasongram') // => ['ultrasonogram'] 👍 
nspell.suggest('feleing') // => ['feeling', 'fleeing', ...] 👍 


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