When we encode a clip at Speed 10 with a config, we are getting different results at each runs. On quick check with the encoded clips, we can see that, the keyframe placement is changing in each runs. For example, in one encode Keyframe was in Frame 90, while second time when we run, keyframe was on Frame 99. Making non-reproducible encodes. At some tests the number of keyframes are also changing.
Easy way to reproduce is, encode a clip with speed 10, and also have --psnr
for getting metrics,
$ ./target/release/rav1e ~/awcy/media/vimeo-corpus-10s-qcif/snowboard.y4m -o snowboard.ivf --psnr --limit=100 -y -s 10
Prior to #2710, things was normal. So we need to dig down the rabbit-hole for figure out what is wrong. This was noticed when reviewing #2765.
AWCY Runs:
Pre 2710,