when installing this package and aitch using conda, i get a the following error:
ClobberWarning: This transaction has incompatible packages due to a shared path.
packages: conda-forge/osx-arm64::aitch-0.2.4-h69fbcac_0, conda-forge/osx-arm64::rav1e-0.6.6-h69fbcac_2
path: '.crates.toml'
ClobberWarning: This transaction has incompatible packages due to a shared path.
packages: conda-forge/osx-arm64::aitch-0.2.4-h69fbcac_0, conda-forge/osx-arm64::rav1e-0.6.6-h69fbcac_2
path: '.crates2.json'
i'm the creator and maintainer of aitch. i'm guessing we are both doing something wrong. do you have any ideas?