I have taken a closer look at the noise contributions at and found some files that contain an uneven amount of bytes. Since the used PCM format uses 16 bit values, this should be impossible. Tools like ffmpeg
complain about this. Those are the problematic files:
$ wc -c *raw | awk '$1%2!=0'
4726335 1506624776731-coffee.raw
5356767 1506902114432-other.raw
4964103 1506935061275-other.raw
4013831 1506961537920-train.raw
5274903 1507082941184-other.raw
5046023 1507234977723-other.raw
4587271 1507257911313-other.raw
4292359 1507259349364-other.raw
5455623 1507609273368-other.raw
4628211 1508448093569-none.raw
4783377 1514620984404-street.raw
4668705 1519910987703-coffee.raw
The files still seem to contain valid audio data, so I think they could be salvaged by just trimming one byte off the end. This can be done with dd
dd if=1506624776731-coffee.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4726334 && mv tmp 1506624776731-coffee.raw
dd if=1506902114432-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=5356766 && mv tmp 1506902114432-other.raw
dd if=1506935061275-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4964102 && mv tmp 1506935061275-other.raw
dd if=1506961537920-train.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4013830 && mv tmp 1506961537920-train.raw
dd if=1507082941184-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=5274902 && mv tmp 1507082941184-other.raw
dd if=1507234977723-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=5046022 && mv tmp 1507234977723-other.raw
dd if=1507257911313-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4587270 && mv tmp 1507257911313-other.raw
dd if=1507259349364-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4292358 && mv tmp 1507259349364-other.raw
dd if=1507609273368-other.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=5455622 && mv tmp 1507609273368-other.raw
dd if=1508448093569-none.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4628210 && mv tmp 1508448093569-none.raw
dd if=1514620984404-street.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4783376 && mv tmp 1514620984404-street.raw
dd if=1519910987703-coffee.raw of=tmp bs=1 count=4668704 && mv tmp 1519910987703-coffee.raw
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