Hey folks, I've been banging my head against a transcoding issue with 5.1 multichannel recordings, and I'm reasonably sure that it's down to an error in either oggenc or libvorbis. TLDR is that the last channel (surround-right) is corrupted.
I'm working with the following recording: but other recordings from different sources (eg ) demonstrate the same behavior.
I first noticed the erroneous behavior when using sox to convert:
sox 383922__bokir26__commuter-train-03-traffic-jakarta-indonesia.wav 383922__bokir26__commuter-train-03-traffic-jakarta-indonesia.ogg
and the behavior replicates when using oggenc directly, both with version 1.4.0 (provided by ubuntu) and 1.4.2 (built locally from source):
oggenc 383922__bokir26__commuter-train-03-traffic-jakarta-indonesia.wav -o 383922__bokir26__commuter-train-03-traffic-jakarta-indonesia.ogg
I've also tried working directly from raw format and explicitly setting the channels/rate/bit depth, but no luck there as well.
For comparison purposes, here are spectrogram plots of the original channel 5 and that produced by oggenc:
And as a baseline, channel 0 looks as follows:
Channels 0-4 (front left/right/center + LFE + surround-left) all seem unaffected, so it seems unlikely to be some kind of byte-ordering or interleaving bug.
Flac encoding via sox does work fine (all channels preserved), so I don't believe there are any problems with the input audio.
Additionally, if I discard the last channel when transcoding (using sox [infile] [outfile] remix 1 2 3 4 5
) everything works as expected. Similarly, if I skip a channel (eg discard the LFE channel 4: sox [infile] [outfile] remix 1 2 3 5 6
), there is no corruption. It seems to be a fundamental issue with generating more than 5 channels: replicating channel 1 6 times (remix 1 1 1 1 1 1
) triggers the error, but only on the last channel: the first five are preserved.
(Yes, I know this is not the sox repository: I'm only using sox to easily generate test cases that break things in controlled ways.)
Anyone have a hunch about what's going on here?