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Git SNAFU June 2014

Oren Kanner edited this page Jun 9, 2014 · 1 revision

For Safekeeping:

Counting objects: 64, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
Writing objects: 100% (41/41), 5.29 KiB, done.
Total 41 (delta 31), reused 26 (delta 18)
To [email protected]:YaleSTC/reservations.git
 + 4b84714...eba9653 172_management_ux -> 172_management_ux (forced update)
 + 9353a84...bb7c045 321_checkout_flash -> 321_checkout_flash (forced update)
 + 16701dc...cf0aa58 528_short_term_cart_fix -> 528_short_term_cart_fix (forced update)
 + 8e58f48...2fa58e4 533_catalog_pagination_fix -> 533_catalog_pagination_fix (forced update)
 + dd18c6e...f3c3d0e 540_update_changelog -> 540_update_changelog (forced update)
 + 5f8db40...151893f 542_add_flash_for_admin_in_nonadmin_view -> 542_add_flash_for_admin_in_nonadmin_view (forced update)