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datepicker (drop down calendar)

dgoerger edited this page Jun 18, 2012 · 3 revisions

Project and implementation info

Added to Reservations/rails3_upgrade branch on 2012.06.12 by @dgoerger in order to give a popup calendar for selection of start_date and due_date.

Where / How we use it

<%= datepicker_input "[model_name, e.g. user]", "[name of datafield, e.g. birthday]" :value => cart.start_date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') %>

Files edited

  • Gemfile => gem 'jquery_datepicker'
  • application.js => require jquery, jquery-ujs, jquery-ui (on separate lines, in that order)
  • views/reservations/_cart_sidebar.html.erb, in the above syntax
  • views/catalog/_quicksearch.html.erb, in the above syntax
  • controllers/application_controller.rb, the update_cart function
  • controllers/catalog_controller.rb, the update_cart* function

Things to watch out for

  • If dataTables is broken, datepicker might be, also. Fixing dataTables seems to resolve the issue.
  • We need to make sure in the controller to indicate that the datepicker input is in the format '%m/%d/%Y' format. If not, rails will assume it's in '%d/%m/%Y' format and give errors for any inputted day past twelve (since there are not thirteen months).
  • If you modify Datepicker formatting (e.g. we disable selection of dates-past), set the defaults in application.js like this: $.datepicker.setDefaults({ minDate: new Date(), prevText: '' });