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Heroku Deployment Guide

Oren Kanner edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the Reservations Heroku deployment guide. Please select which of the following methods you're using to deploy to Heroku: Heroku button or Heroku toolbelt / CLI.

Heroku Button

Deploying to Heroku with the Heroku button is quick, easy, and a great way to get an instance of Reservations up and running quickly. The steps for a fully-functioning deployment are as follows:

  1. Set up deployment
  2. Click on the "Deploy to Heroku" button in the README [screenshot - click_button.png]
  3. Create a Heroku account or sign in to your existing account
  4. Enter an application name [screenshot - app_name.png]
  5. Enter the instance hostname for the RAILS_HOST_NAME config setting [screenshot - host_name.png]
  6. Click the "Deploy for Free" button [screenshot - click_deploy_button.png]
  7. Finalize instance configuration
  8. When deployment is finished, click on the "Make your first edit" link [screenshot - click_edit_link.png]
  9. Click on the "Settings" link [screenshot - click_settings_button.png]
  10. Click on the "Reveal Config Vars" button [screenshot - reveal_config_vars.png]
  11. Click on the "Edit" button [screenshot - edit_config_vars.png]
  12. Copy the MANDRILL_APIKEY var into the RES_SMTP_PASSWORD var and the MANDRILL_USERNAME var into the RES_SMTP_USERNAME var and click save [screenshot - copy_email_config.png]
  13. Click on the "Resources" link [screenshot - click_resources_button.png]
  14. Click on the "Scheduler" add-on link [screenshot - click_scheduler.png]
  15. Schedule hourly and daily rake tasks [screenshot - configure_scheduler.png] * Note that these jobs will consume Heroku resources and can result in your application costing you money. For more information see here.
  16. Edit instance settings
  17. Visit your instance (
  18. Click on the "Sign In" link on the top-right corner [screenshot - click_sign_in.png]
  19. Log in with the email [email protected] and password passw0rd
  20. Visit the application settings [screenshot - click_settings_link.png]
  21. Edit the settings to your liking and click on the "Update Settings" button on the bottom of the page; make sure to change the "Admin email" setting to your e-mail address so you receive notifications [screenshot - edit_admin_email.png]
  22. Visit your user profile [screenshot - click_profile_link.png]
  23. Click on the "Edit Information" button on the bottom of the page and edit your profile as desired; make sure to change your "Email" and "Password" at a minimum [screenshot - edit_profile.png]
  24. Have fun!

Heroku Toolbelt

Include two sections, one for Heroku button deployment and one for generalized deployment (e.g. using rake app:setup and manual configuration of the application, see this comment).

Instructions go here:

  1. Click on "Deploy to Heroku" button
  2. Instructions in Heroku form (w/ screenshots)
  3. set up app name
  4. properly enter RAILS_HOST_NAME
  5. Post-deployment instructions (screenshots)
  6. set up e-mail authentication configs
  7. change the superuser login info / profile
  8. change the app configs (particularly e-mail)
  9. schedule cron jobs if desired